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Everything posted by brianjeremy

  1. I believe that this report is true. I have lost tons of weight since I quit drinking sodas/sweet tea. I pretty much drink only water now. Now, I need to cut back on my alcohol consumptions. That's hard because it's just so damn fun to drink yourself asshole-ish.
  2. I can't believe people are that offended by him sitting on stage. And it's not only the people on here that were upset about it, but others across the internets were offended. If it were Jeff Tweedy, most people on here would think that it was brilliant. Don't knock they guys just because he's so emo it hurts. I thought M Ward did a helluva job. I liked I'm Wide Awake... as well.
  3. That's what I'm talking about. Love that sammich. Really no surprise about Miller though. He's an asshole.
  4. Amen. That one gets more play around here their real albums. There are so many songs that didn't make that one that could have. Their early era is littered with gems. The later stuff isn't so bad either - Let Me Give The World To You is one of their best tracks and it still remains to be released. NP:
  5. My mom gave us christian video games to play as youngins. Lot of good it did us. I'd still rather blow the fuck outta shit in Bond, Halo or Perfect Dark than anything in the world.
  6. God dammit! How do you go from breast, the greatest things on mother fucking earth, to farts? You assholes ruin everything.
  7. That's pretty cool. Is the rest of their music alright? I listened to their stuff on myspace - eh.
  8. Wow, that's pretty cool. I loved MM's last album and I have high hopes for this one now.
  9. Anyone got their new one yet? I have yet to pick it up. I've heard 3 songs, but I am still wary of it. My brother says the album is great, but he's a tool and nobody likes him.
  10. I am atually pretty excited to hear this new one. 'supposed to be like 2 minute rockers. I love that shit. NP: Actually, wanted to listen to this for the first time in a couple of months. Maybe I'm coming outta my pollard-funk.
  11. I like the song, although I do have issues with his vocals as well.
  12. How is this one? I am on full-Pollard burnout and haven't picked up anything of his in a while (since FaCE, which is like at least a dozen albums in this past 7 months). NP:
  13. The porch monkey scene from clerks 2 This shit is highly offensive, but goes nicely with our discussion. you've been warned.
  14. I'll try to make it. I guess they're too big to play the g-ville anymore.
  15. Sha Sha was really, really good. It kinda filled that void left by weezer. On My Way blew though and barely had a decent moment to redeem it. I finally got the Radish disc a few months back and wasn't impressed with Lighting Bolt at all. Everyone kept telling me that it was so awesome, but, eh. Although this song doesn't look so good on paper (or on your computer screen), it rocks. I agree that his songwriting is pretty immature, but sometimes that sorta thing fits. In Wasted & Ready's case, I think it's lyrics are well-suited for the type of song it is.
  16. Have no clue but Gilliam Welch & David Rawlings do a killer cover of Black Star.
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