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Albert Tatlock

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Everything posted by Albert Tatlock

  1. He loves it when an album comes together. I like the moments when he tosses his maracas/tambourine over his shoulder randomly during the IATTBYH dissonance - as if anyone but him could hear it make a difference :-) But that attention to detail has come up trumps with TWL. Seriously, very impressed (though the barnet needs some work).
  2. http://www.azcentral.com/thingstodo/music/articles/2011/10/11/20111011wilco-jeff-tweedy-interview.html Nothing too interesting but here you go ...
  3. Finally my copy arrived. Which bits have been messing with your mind in super stereo? Right now I'm absolutely knocked out by all that's going on during Dawned On Me - castanets! The silky smooth transition from vocals to guitar at 1:46. Love the 'flub' at 0:06 on I Might. In general I'm loving the backing vocals that are a most welcome feature of the album. More to follow as I listen, maybe. P.S. Thanks for all the extra time at the coalface Mr. Sansone
  4. So far I've managed to find:- Sunday 26 February 2012 Wilco Sunday 26 February 2012 Sentrum Scene Oslo, Norway Monday 27 February 2012 Wilco Monday 27 February 2012 Globens Annex Stockholm, Sweden Friday 2 March 2012 Wilco Friday 2 March 2012 Ancienne Belgique Brussels, Belgium --- Bit of a gap - maybe Paris/Souhern Germany? Thursday 8 March 2012 Wilco Thursday 8 March 2012 Alcatraz Milano, Milan, Italy Friday 9 March 2012 Wilco Friday 9 March 2012 Estragon Bologna, Italy Sunday 11 March 2012 Wilco Sunday 11 March 2012 Aquarius Zagreb, Croatia ... and if you feel like cal
  5. I support longer posts. Not saying I (will) agree with/read all of them, but I believe the board is a better place for more considered opinions, elongated explanations, personal 'features'/experiences, etc. i.e. kind of a blog to which the whole community can contribute 'articles' rather than being limited to one individual. There are lots of like minds brought together by some shared interests after all. Please continue. Byeee!
  6. Ah, sorry - though from what I have learnt here over the years you are a nice enough person that explains why I thought you might have. Take care.
  7. Hey Sarah - as the only Sarah from (near) Atlanta who is a Wilco fan that I know - did you do the Henry saw Wilco thing? It's on WilcoWorld - causes section. Good work!
  8. Yes. Still awaiting new stock according to Play.com - can only be a good indication for the band though I suppose that orders have exceeded their stock estimates. Between 3 and 5 days to go before I can slap on the cans and get the full headphones experience..
  9. I uued to write for this site when it was just starting (I was keen but out of my depth as far as being a full on muso was concerned - just lucky to know the couple of guys who started it - and we all met via Wilco/Via Chicago). It's obviously moved on to bigger and better things ... http://www.thelineofbestfit.com/2011/09/it-was-definitely-chaotic-tlobf-talks-yankee-hotel-foxtrot-with-wilcos-glenn-kotche/
  10. Yup, very excited the way the young guns are coming through. Llanelli's academy really producing the goods - great given that they were cash strapped and had no other option. Cardiff should have done the same and developed local talent. In a couple of years this could be a great team - aan anything that happens now will be excellent experience to put in the bank for those times. Not too worried about Shane - Halfpenny has been in good form. Would even play him full back. Hook would be a nice option and I hope he recovers for the quarters but Priestland is doing a marvellous job. Two great week
  11. And if you can just indulge me a bit more, this is still one of my favourite duet songs, and as a UK teenager into New Wave at the time had some effect on starting my journey to Americana and beyond. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vV1bjfgr4U
  12. I know you can all search YouTube of your own accord, but just had to add this too. If only they could have operated as one entity at the time instead of all the enforced switching between Nick, Dave Edmunds & Rockpile.
  13. EDIT - SORRY, JUST SEEN THE OLDER THREAD FROM LAST WEEK This is fantastic - many many great facts e.g. late for his own wedding because of a bet on a boxing match Used to like Carlene back in the day.
  14. Little isn't the word - that goes on and on. Nie one - thanks. Raccoonista "And generally, once we have the title, we don't need any other words because the Raccoonists have a very strict "No words" policy. It only allows for titles and maybe slogans here and there."
  15. Blimey, they're everywhere. Is there no refuge from this media blitz? http://www.billboard...005373072.story
  16. Seems like more than usual to me - maybe the band mamber themselves are more inclined to give their time for soundbites etc. given that they're totally working for themselves with their own label now. Meanwhile ... Drowned In Sound 7 / 10 http://drownedinsound.com/releases/16532/reviews/4143654
  17. http://arts.nationalpost.com/2011/09/26/parsing-the-‘entity-that-is-wilco’/ "Can I have a sip? … Oh, that’s incredible. That’s flavour! That’s flavour!” Sansone, standing up, reminds him, “We got a strict sound check.” The band’s publicist pipes up: “I don’t want Jeff on my ass!” Says Sansone: “No one does.” Amen to that.
  18. Saw a piece on JT in The Times this morning. It was the communal office copy and I was going to bring it home to scan, but left without it! I don't have a subscription to The Times online. Because I thought I was going to get it later I only quickly looked over it. There may have been a separate review of the Whole Love but I did not look for it at the time. Things I learnt:- 1) JT has an exercise bike in his hotel room these days. 2) Wilco are going to be involved in O'Bama's re-election in some shape or form. 3) I am rather forgetful. 4) errr, that's it.
  19. Excellent! Really enjoying Nick right now. He did a very good BBC special in concert about 2 or 3 years ago that's worth searching for on YouTube etc.
  20. http://www.clashmusi...-the-whole-love CBS http://m.cbsnews.com...&videofeed=null
  21. The Daily Star - ooh err missus http://www.dailystar.co.uk/music/view/212462/Wilco-The-Whole-Love-Album-Review/
  22. Glad a good time was had by all. What with the time difference I did not actually get to hear it after giving the heads up. Still, 2 nights in London to look forward too. Especially would have liked to hear NL too. I think this new release has trully reinvigorated the band and the set lists. Can't wait for next month.
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