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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. man, I'm constantly surprised at the depths people will sink to in order to attack politicians they disagree with. Astounding.
  2. 'palin faked her pregnancy to cover up her daughters's' 'mccain fathered a black baby' 'obama is a Muslim' 'the clintons had 100 people killed' 'Great' Moments in Political Douchebaggery
  3. to fight ridiculous Internet rumors, she should release pictures of herself in the hospital? That's incredibly invasive and it wouldn't do anything to quash the rumors. The people putting this out know it doesn't matter if it's true. All that matters is it is out there now.
  4. Shades of the push-polling that happenedin south Carolinagoing on amongst many democrats. Obama's not going to touch this one as long as his supporters are willing to do it, and this thread is showing they are more than willing.
  5. nothing about the historic start to the rich rod era in ann arbor?
  6. Surprise of the election: michael Moore is still a fucking piece of shit.
  7. well, I am in Orlando right now, so I might.
  8. The Governor did question the means to pay for Obama's proposed rebate
  9. I don't buy feeling sorry about voting for Nader. You vote for your conscience because you can't see into the future.
  10. Voting either democrat or republican is the easiest possible way to maintain the status quo, imo.
  11. Well, to be honest, I realize now it wasn't scheduled that way, but it still didn't sit well with me how big a deal CNN in particular was making of it. I'm Puerto Rican. I live in an area that is something like 60-25-15 hispanic, white, black. I went to a predominantly black middle school, and a predominantly hispanic high school. My college is 67% hispanic. It's not that racism is dead, but for people of my generation, in my area, it's not an issue. It might not be everywhere, but in my situation, it's not. And not voting acts as a vote of no confidence in the system, in my opinion.
  12. But, hopefully, nobody is going to play up the Katrina angle like the MLK thing was played up. I'll say the Katrina thing is infinitely more of a stretch than MLK. At least MLK had some symbolism.
  13. I'll try to find the baseball prospectus thing on it. It's definitely in the Baseball Between the Numbers book, which is worth checking out anyways, but I'll try to find it online.
  14. Yeah. Which is it? Is abortion her only issue? If it is, then yeah, fine, I might buy it. Or, is abortion the only thing that matters to 60-70% of women? If that's true then that's really sad. That's not interesting at all. It's nothing.
  15. For the record, I didn't like the scheduling of Obama's speech on the anniversary of I Have A Dream.
  16. I feel he was being at least slightly facetious.
  17. Mine say Orchestra GA, not sure if that's the pit now in the Fillmore or what. I'll be wearing a Flaming Lips shirt. I'll keep an eye out.
  18. Either a lot of women have a surprising herd mentality in their views (Being against everything she stands for), or you are trying to say Palin only stands for one thing. Or maybe it was a fucking ridiculous thing to say. Yeah, that's what I'm going with.
  19. Hey, since you guys have more of a stake in it, can one of you Obamanites make me a list of the things McCain has pandered to the religious right on since 2000? I don't have the energy to do it.
  20. They don't have any concerns about her abilities. Thats my point. It has nothing to do with her, and everything to do with the R next to her name.
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