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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. Man, I would hate to become famous and have people I've never met judge the nature of my marriage.
  2. I still don't really get what he's trying to say. Is he saying that his 5 years in POW weren't that bad, or that he can just point to that on any issue or something?
  3. But really, music means whatever you want it to mean to you. For me, the Beatles weren't representative of any political idealogy, because I don't really subscribe to any particular idealogy. See how that works?
  4. Obama's love is all I'll ever need. And come on, Cryptique, Obama has run an overwhelmingly negative campaign, and it has nothing to do with McCain starting it. I'll never understand why people actually bought that Obama is "different". Dude's a fucking awesome salesman.
  5. It's a typical political ad. Yawn.
  6. Main to the DL. If we're going to come back, it happens now.
  7. I finally listened to southern rock opera. So good.
  8. Dear Jules-child, JUDE can buy and sell you 50 times a day. Remember that before you go all lefty just to rebel against dad. Congrats, sir.
  9. Well, they've reached the point where they mean so much to so many people that they don't really mean anything to everyone, you know? I don't feel like anyone can call them their own.
  10. They are cultural icons whose influence is so far reaching they represent everything and everyone. Nobody owns the beatles' ideology.
  11. If he were quoting lyrics to fit a liberal view would he also be twisting them?
  12. Probably the "Chinaman" scene in Lebowski. So good.
  13. Hope it's a good one, old pal.
  14. My friend got a concussion doing that. Not at 60 MPH, though.
  15. JNick, that analogy works better if it is something like this: Street racers wraps his car around a pole, gets care, and then gets a new car and continues to street race. Driving normally is kind of like breathing in oxygen, in this analogy. You could get hurt from it (pollen or smog or some shit,) but you aren't putting yourself at any higher risk than you have to. Breathing in smoke, then, is like racing down a 2 lane road on a wet night.
  16. I'm going to defer to Ikol here, because he's like, a doctor or a wizard, or something like that. Either way, he knows.
  17. Are you referring to the crusades, or something? Because it seems like for the last 50 years or so, the Catholic church hasn't been all that actively evil, personal vendettas aside.
  18. As long as we don't text we'll be fine.
  19. Just bought two tickets for the Tallahassee show for 38. Sweet. Fucking FSU friends get in for free.
  20. Well, yeah. If winning an election is the be all end all of being involved with politics. I can't wait till Obama wins, is inaugarated on January 20 and begins his reelection campaign on the 22nd.
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