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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. Anyone can win in the postseason, but there is rarely any amount of luck that can change an asswhupping like the Sox put on the Rockies. Sometimes it's a cointoss, and sometimes you are clearly outclassed.
  2. The Rockies lost because they didn't have as good a team as the Red Sox. I don't think it is a stretch to say this is at least partly a product of them having a lower payroll. Also, I love Hermida, so I'm not sure I'd be down with trading him for Manny. Manny's a great hitter, and we do have a lot of depth in the minors with outfielders, but it's risky.
  3. Yeah, Wilco circa 2008 is far more popular than Lucinda Williams circa 2003.
  4. Man, if they play "Dreamer In My Dreams"... Well, I'll just die.
  5. I'm going to disagree, as from what I've seen, Manuel's a pretty shitty manager, so I'm not sure that ha much to do with it. Delgado is just a 35 year old power hitter. And for most power hitters, 50% of their production comes in 25% of the season. Probably more so as they age.
  6. I try not to get mad at players who are underperforming but will inevitably bounce back. I save my ire for the legitimately shitty, like, say Mike Jacobs. Everytime he swings at the first pitch from a pitcher who walked the previous batter, God burns a little hole in my heart.
  7. Didn't you want him cast into the fires of hades like 3 weeks ago?
  8. The Angels finally made a move to get a bat. Never seen a team more content with it's offense the past few years.
  9. Alright, I whipped it up quick. Thought of as many great albums as I could off the top of my head and then picked the 20 that I like the most. I'm sure to remember something right after I send it, but I figure this isn't the type of thing you should think a lot about. Loving music is rarely about what you can rationalize, but rather, your first, gut feeling. Music shouldn't appeal to the brain, but to the heart, so this is my heart's top 20, I suppose. 1. London Calling- The Clash 2. Yankee Hotel Foxtrot- Wilco 3. Abbey Road- The Beatles 4. Highway 61 Revisited- Bob Dylan 5. Pinkerton- W
  10. I think the media blasted Bush for stupid things and turned a blind eye when we really needed them to hammer him. Case in point: The first time in his presidency when he was roundly criticized was Katrina, which wasn't really a failing on his part so much as a failing of the government's beauracracy. But they let the fucking war go for 3 years without a word.
  11. You can't argue that the media as a whole (news organizations aren't the only part of the media) do treat Obama kinder. Also, can I just say politics is the reason I finally cancelled my subscription to Rolling Stone. I could handle their crap reviews because they usuaully have some good features, but their political writing is so fucking terrible I couldn't support them anymore.
  12. Oh, really, I called your mother dumb? Ok.
  13. I'm pretty sure I was named Christopher just to appease my catholic grandmother, since up until very recently, neither of my parents had mentioned religion at all.
  14. Yeah, right. My parents wanted to name me Ethan, but went with Christopher Paul instead.
  15. Which is why it's dumb to complain about who was treated more unfairly. Obama is more visible than McCain, so he's going to get more negative coverage, simply because most commentary on major news networks focuses on flaws.
  16. I'm thinking today will be spent at Barnes & Noble. I'm going to pick up Watchmen and maybe some Hellboy if they have it.
  17. Everyone thinks their guy is treated unfairly.
  18. Speaking of this. I can't tell if the Daily Show will be more boring if Obama is president or McCain. I want to say McCain, because lately Stewart has actually made fun of OBama for the first time, and I'm really not interested in hearing Jon pander to his audience and do his stupid impressions for another 4 years.
  19. Thats because the media spent the previous year collectively fellating him. Their jaws were hurt.
  20. This is probably one of my favorite movies ever. I'll be seeing it for the 4th time tomorrow, and might catch it in imax this weekend.
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