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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. Damn, you're kind of not in a good mood today, huh?
  2. I'm doing my part to combat global warming. I turn my AC up all the way all day, open all my windows, and leave the freezer open all day.
  3. I think it's a great cover, and I got their point right from the beginning. I have no problem with it, I think it works brilliantly as satire.
  4. No. I don't think rising sea levels should be my primary concern right now. I'm literally not worried about them at all.
  5. Here's to Uggla getting into the game this year.
  6. Well, I really am poor. I also have no expenses, though, so it's not really a problem.
  7. I am not a city planner, and I don't see you out there surveying possible routes for buses. You cannot force any sort of lifestyle on people. Wouldn't that go against your liberal beliefs anyways?
  8. I'd say this is probably not necessary. But I will agree that Americans on the whole rarely have to worry about where their next meal will come from, and this allows us the luxury of having more leisure time. I'm not sure this is a liberal or conservative bias, but it does allow us to spend more time thinking about these things.
  9. I'm going to say he was probably bragging, but doing so in a tongue in cheek manner. He's still an asshole.
  10. The games themselves are mostly boring, to be honest.
  11. That's how I picture El Famous and JUDE's weekly meetings.
  12. I see what he's saying, it was just very poorly worded. You can also say the opposite (about conservatives) and it would be just as true. It all depends on where you are coming from.
  13. Someone's been brushing up on his Mazlow's Hierarchy of Needs.
  14. I'm sure they could. It has nothing to do with lane sizes, don't be dense.
  15. I don't get how anyone can hate the HR Derby. Even Chris Berman is slightly bearable during it's duration. It's nice to see athletes having fun. Same with the dunk contest. It's fun. Some people really seem to hate fun in sports...
  16. Have you ever been to South Florida? You can't just say that and then say we have to adopt mass transit. This isn't Chicago. It isn't New York. The cities weren't planned with this in mind. It's fine to criticize if you actually have an idea of what to do, but the fact of the matter is in Miami, and many North American cities, public transportation isn't a feasible option for the foreseeable future, and it has nothing to do with the lifestyle of the citizens and everything to do with a lack of city planning from the highest levels. Miami built out rather than up.
  17. Uggla. He's got the purest home run swing in the league, imo. He's up there swinging for the fences everytime.
  18. I mean, South Florida is probably the most spread out metro area in the country. From West Palm Beach down to the Keys, it's about a 20 mile wide swath of straight suburbia with Fort Lauderdale and Miami being the only real cities. That's about 80 miles north to south. Public transit isn't feasible on a mass scale.
  19. Mass transit is almost impossible in a spread out city like Miami. It's all infill between 3 major cities.
  20. I've gotten a little into comic books, but it's difficult to keep up with. I've checked out some of the Civil War series, and that was pretty cool, but not much more than that recently. Is it on Blu-ray? One of my roommates next year has a PS3, so I might be willing to buy it on that if it's worth it.
  21. I've been meaning to check it out, but I'm lazy, and I feel it wouldn't be fully appreciated with commercials on FX.
  22. I mean, I never saw the first, and never read the comic, so I didn't have to expect anything except what it turned out being: A crazy action movie with some absolutely amazing visual effects and character designs and some touches of goofy humor.
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