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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. Wow, so he's being logical? Shit, bad news.
  2. So what about all of the fans of other teams who became Sox fans in the last 4 years?
  3. Until April of 2009, when ESPN beats the fuck out of this rivalry too...
  4. I also think it's a nice little rivalry they are building here, and this can only help. This is certainly more entertaining than Yankees-Sox. At least there is some kind of philosophical difference.
  5. "I seriously can't believe the Rays played Sweet Caroline at the end. I'm stunned. What a bunch of fucking disrespectful clowns. I love them celebrating first the first week of July. Defines the quality of the organization." I guess not.
  6. I have a friend who is absolutely seething right now because the Rays played "Sweet Caroline" after the win. What do you guys think?
  7. Actually, this is a much better way to state it than "Bush should go to prison for atrocities" and then walk away. I can get down with this kind of post.
  8. On an Alfredo Amezaga homer from the right side of the plate. He's one of those guys that isn't great but is so much fun to watch. They always cut to him in the dugout messing with the other players. It's great. Also, hats off to Hanley for being the first Marlin to be NL Player Of The Month since Conine in 95.
  9. I blame Donald Rumsfield more than Bush, and I don't see how anyone couldn't.
  10. While you were sitting around walking your dog, George Bush drank the blood of another Iraqi baby. How do you look at yourself in the mirror?
  11. I am hesitant to use the word atrocity for most things.
  12. Yeah, I think we always need to fix whatever problems are there. The problem comes when one side assumes the other thinks the problems are the same for everyone.
  13. http://youtube.com/profile_videos?user=bobbob1414&p=d I did 9 covers during the last few weeks of the semester, and they are all there. Including: Wilco- Sky Blue Sky Wilco- The Lonely 1 Ryan Adams- Nobody Girl Bright Eyes- Lua The Flaming Lips- Waiting For A Superman David Bowie- Space Oddity Cold War Kids- We Used To Vacation Beatles- Blackbird The Clash- Train In Vain
  14. I think we're gonna be arguing semantics from this point on.
  15. This is the part that slays me. Democrats who voted for it in congress don't have to assume any blame because of this reasoning. Beautiful.
  16. I totally think Bush is one of the more entertaining political figures of the last 20 years, and he would probably crack my top 5 "Presidents to go out drinking with" list.
  17. I think my point was more along the lines of things aren't as bad as they are sometimes made to appear by some people on the left. I'm mad about many things in the past 8 years. The media's willingness to just lie down for the Bush Administration during the first 6 years of the presidency. The PATRIOT Act (Which most democratic congressmen voted for, if I'm not mistaken). The level of discourse from both sides in general. And some other stuff. But I'm not as angry about the Iraq war, because if I was my anger would mostly just come from my belief that war in general isn't a good thing. Bu
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