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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. I don't listen to a lot of underground hip hop only because I'm still trying to make my way through the older stuff, but my most listened to hip hop artists are: Lupe Fiasco Kanye West Common Nas Talib Kwali Mos Def Jay Z (Say what you want about him, he's fun to listen to) Eminem('s first two records) Beastie Boys The Roots Tribe Called Quest There's more, but that's off the top of my head. The Roots live are just about the best band I've ever seen. Insane. If you want to say hip hop has no musical merit, go watch these guys and then stop talking.
  2. Because I misspelled "editing" Ron Burgundy: Boy, that escalated quickly... I mean, that really got out of hand fast. Champ Kind: It jumped up a notch. Ron Burgundy: It did, didn't it? Brick Tamland: Yeah, I stabbed a man in the heart. Ron Burgundy: I saw that. Brick killed a guy. Did you throw a trident? Brick Tamland: Yeah, there were horses, and a man on fire, and I killed a guy with a trident. Ron Burgundy: Brick, I've been meaning to talk to you about that. You should find yourself a safehouse or a relative close by. Lay low for a while, because you're probably wanted for murd
  3. I don't either. It just rubs me the wrong way when certain Obama supporters do it because it comes off in a very evangelical way, if that makes sense. Also, there's the case of me hearing black Obama supporters saying that if you vote against him you are letting your people down, which is a pretty fucking terrible thing to say.
  4. ... You know what, forget it. You seem to be looking for a fight. I've seen you do it before, and I'm not really interested in it today.
  5. I'm not saying Obama doesn't know his positions. I'm saying I've talked to fervent supporters of his who don't. Big difference. And I'm basing this more on personal experience than what I've read. If you want me to find you articles where people talk about him like a messianic figure, I'm not going to, because they either don't exist or I'm lazy. But I've talked to folks who seriously turn me off to him because I can't get behind that kind of blind adoration. It's a similar problem I've had with the 2 party system forever, where people turn off their brains once they choose who they suppo
  6. You know what I'd like? Some Kleptones-esque mish mashing of some Miles and hip hop. Lay down like 2 or 3 vocal tracks over "Flamenco Sketches" or something. That could be awesome.
  7. It's creepy for people to talk about a candidate like he's the messiah, that's all. It's borderline cultish for some people. Also, alot of his most fervent supporters that I might have really bought into the "change" thing, which really is a load of crap. I'm not saying he might not bring change, but they have no idea what this "Change" might be. They just eat it up and spit it back out. That's what is creepy to me. The blind support many have for him.
  8. I was at Denny's last night and smack dab in the middle of my brinner, I hear blaring (very loudly) over the speakers, "Impossible Germany". My friend with me just started laughing because he saw how I perked up.
  9. The Obama=Messiah thing is sort of media driven, but there's a lot of people who have very weird, creepy things to say about him. They talk about feeling his presence and being changed when he's in the room and stuff. It's not all the media.
  10. WHAT CHARACTER ISSUES?? I keep on hearing about McFadden's character issues. He's a 21 one year old who has gotten into a few fights and all of a sudden he's Maurice fucking Clarret? This isn't necessarily directed at you, more at ESPN and the mouth breathers on their network. They are so desperate for a story that they will compare McFadden to the Vicks, Clarett. It is completely ridiculous. As for who the better player is, I'm not sure anyone can say. There is too much going on outside of the RB position to say definitively who is better, but I will say watching McFadden in that LSU game
  11. I'd rather not get into this on this thread, but you outright accused Solace of editting posts not for moderation purposes but simply because he disagrees with them. That's not ignorance, that's just saying things for the sake of saying things because you don't know anything about him. You can be ignorant about something and also express a dumb, unnecessary opinion on it. That is what you demonstrated. Bah, whatever. This thread is so far gone at this point.
  12. I'm almost positive Solace doesn't edit posts unless there is like, heavily offensive stuff not relating to the topic at hand, so that's a very stupid thing to say. Other than that, whatever, it's your opinion. I happen to think there is lot's of rap music that has tons of musically redeeming qualities, but if you don't, whatever. Say what you want about Kanye, but his use of soul music on his first album and strings on his second make for very, very good musical moments. It sort of blows my mind that you can say you've listened to all of this hip hop and not found a single redeeming song,
  13. I wasn't trying to comment on the validity of your arguments, just making an observation.
  14. Blaspheme: The live version of "I Am Trying To Break Your Heart" is so far inferior to the record version that it might as well not be the same song.
  15. I think it was his way of going about it. Like the "Rap=CRap" bit. That's stuff I used to say when I was in 8th grade and was afraid of listening to hip hop because I am white.
  16. I remember when we had that thread where a bunch of people said Jessica Simpson was ruining America because she was too attractive, though the people who said this also thought she was not attractive. That was a fun thread.
  17. I think you are looking for way too much from your culture.
  18. She looks weird in pictures to me. She was hot in Transformers. Marissa Miller.
  19. While Matt Sharp's overall contribution to Weezer is probably overstated by many, his falsetto harmonies put the first two albums over the top. Also, Against Me! has released two great (underlined, capitalized) albums. "Baby, I'm An Anarchist" is a fucking brilliant song.
  20. Just saying what is out there.
  21. To answer the question in the topic: I don't know, ask my roommate.
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