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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. The album is ok. They haven't really been good since Bleed American, really. "Gotta Be Somebody's Blues" is an awful song on the new album.
  2. Originally, he joined to give Roger Waters an E-Jay and tell Jeff Tweedy to go all Eagles on this bitch and start doing instrumental reprises of songs. And go on at length abouthow boring Bright Eyes was. I don't know if it's been said before, but "E-Jay" as in, "giving someone a Beej over the interwebs", is pretty much my new favorite saying.
  3. True story, I watched every episode of Rock of Love.
  4. No matter what name you are, you always deliver.
  5. I've lived here my whole life and I've never gotten the death penalty.
  6. So there are gonna go to Australia more often than Florida. Huh.
  7. There are like 60 songs that could be the Beatles best.
  8. Somebody has mentioned Jim Eno like 7 times in this thread and I have no clue who he is.
  9. So I've heard quite a few grumbles about the file quality. ANyone upset that it's only 160kps? Personally, I don't care. But I know some people who are avoiding it altogether until they get a better copy out...
  10. That was going to be my next question.
  11. The best Beatles song that nobody but me ever mentions is "Don't Pass Me By".
  12. I voted George, even though I probably like more Paul solo songs.
  13. I think Kid A is pretty much perfect as is, with the exception of Treefingers which I never listen to.
  14. I like it. Though if you arne't a fan yet, this probably won't get you on board.
  15. You and everyone else in the world right now.
  16. Maybe I just can't tell the difference, but there seems to be a lot of live drumming on here. Either way, on first listen "Jigsaw" is the standout song. Wow.
  17. This things got more swing than their last 3 records combined. The drumming is fantastic, as is Thom's voice. Oh my, this is the best 0 pounds and 00 pence I've ever spent on anything. (before you guys get all mad, I'm broke and don't get paid until friday. I'll buy it proper then.)
  18. I think Felix Pie will be solid in CF for a long time for them, and Jacque Jones isn't nearly as bad as a lot of people think, especially as a RFer. Bullpen is something that can fix itself if the team doesn't want to spend the money. I could see them representing the NL in the world series if they can get one more top of the line starter. Of course, they'll probably get swept by whichever studly AL team makes it.
  19. I'd argue they are much closer than you think. Zambrano, Lilly, and Hill are a pretty good 1-3, especially in the crappy NL Central. If they added one more great pitcher, you could make a case for them as the best team in the NL. Might still be able to next year, if they can work out the bullpen. That offense is potent when healthy.
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