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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. Haven't been this excited for an album in a while, but I'm kind of worried it's going to let me down. The fact that "Bittersweet" isn't actually on it doesn't bode well..
  2. It's mostly because of Arod. If you guys didn't pick on him so much it wouldn't have happened. To be honest, I'd prefer if both teams could lose, but if I have to pick one, I'll go with the guy who is like the best baseball player ever to play baseball and who somehow gets treated like the worst baseball player ever. Honestly, the Yankees and Red Sox are exactly the same thing, but at least Yankees fans don't paint themselves out to be the underdog. I don't care that 30 years ago the Sox were, now they are the exact same team, but with facial hair. They run the team the exact same way, thr
  3. It's so sad that I find myself rooting for the Yankees...
  4. Christ you are a douchebag. Get off your fucking high horse. This is the 2nd time you've said that, and nobody cares, man. You obviously feel you and your morals are better than everyone elses here, as you've made abundantly clear in your stay on this board, but stop pushing them on other people. It's fucking annoying.
  5. Actually, this is a schtick, as was that.
  6. I'm actually fairly excited about the numerous albums that are coming out that nobody on this board is going to care about.
  7. President Bush's Anti-Black Hurricane Maker wasn't fully operational until 2 months after the hurricane hit. As for blaming Bush for the aftermath, not much he could've done. It was such a beauracratic mess, so much red tape. If you want to blame anything, blame the system.
  8. Huh? It's a commentary, not a report. Calm down. I remember the gigantic clusterfuck that was this board in the days following the hurricane hitting and I remember being one of like 3 people that didn't see this as yet another opportunity to jump on Bush. I still feel that way. It wasn't his fault the beauracracy kept anyuone from getting anything done. If Kerry had been in office, the same damn thing would've happened. There are thousands of other things to bitch about with Bush, pick one with an actual basis in reality. As someone who has lived in South Florida all their life, I know
  9. Aren't all laws based on somebody's morals?
  10. I hope you guys gave us Melky, Phil, Joba, and paid for the remaining gap in our stadium funding if we traded you Miguel Cabrera. Though I'm not sure he can play center...
  11. No Florida date. I'm not even surprised anymore...
  12. You just took those commercials to a whole other place.
  13. I didn't know you were an Eagles fan?
  14. I think it helps that my best friend is one of the smartest people I know and he refuses to see anything from the right's point of view, and it gets frustrating. I consider myself pretty (morally) liberal, and he makes me look like Dick Cheney. It just gets really frustrating to see obviously smart people (on both sides) let their frustration get the best of them and they just stop thinking.
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