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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. I saw Zach Thomas at Barnes and Noble once. And the Rock was on the same plane as me one time.
  2. How did it take 3 pages for someone to mention Kind Of Blue? Good god, that album is perfect.
  3. Up until a few weeks ago, Atkins wasn't doing much at all. I thought he would at least improve on last year, but it would take a massive hotstreak to even match last season.
  4. At the beginning of the season in my fantasy auction draft, I was choosing between Holliday and Atkins. I chose Holliday. I made the right choice.
  5. He was one fo the top pitching prospects in baseball entering this season, no?
  6. Sort of. He was right that steroids were prevelant in baseball, and he was right that Palmiero used. I could have told you that, and I think anybody probably could've guessed it. And if he had something on Arod, why wouldn't he have published it in the last book. He's got the right to say whatever he wants, and hey I admire him for telling the truth about himself, something nobody else has done, but he could be making shit up. We don't really know.
  7. I'm gonna go with "made up".
  8. They'd have to be really big puppies.
  9. I think it would be decidedly less cool. Think of all of the paper cuts for the poor puppies.
  10. *k. lolozl see i can do that too
  11. People seem to (mostly) forget that Ruth played against players who weren't the best available. People seem to (mostly) forget that Ty Cobb stabbed a black dude for being "uppity". People seem to forget that Willie Mays used amphetamines. People seem to forget that just about every pitcher in baseball has probably used some form of the shine ball or spit ball at some point in their career. But then again, people can't seem to get over the fact that Jim Rice was kind of a dick, so maybe they won't forget that about Bonds. Who knows. But I don't think 70's years from now people are going to b
  12. Obviously they don't count because they didn't play in MLB. Duh. Actually, if Gibson had been allowed to play in the majors, we probably wouldn't have had to wait very long for Ruth's record to be broken.
  13. Actually, contrary to popular belief, Hank Aaron will not always be the home run king, inasmuch as "home run king" implies that he hit the most home runs, which is obviously not true. Bonds may or may not be a better hitter than Aaron (though, he undoubtebly is), and he may or may not be a better person (though, he undoubtebly isn't), the fact remains, whether people like it or not, he is the "home run king". Because he's hit more home runs than anyone in the world.
  14. I try to buy albums that I like, but I don't always have the money to. I do download leaks quite often, though, and I look forward to them. I like hearing an album without having an opinion on it already.
  15. Actually, Class Rating is a counting stat, so a higher number is better. Jeez, don't you know anything?
  16. Congratulations to Barry Bonds. As a baseball fan, I'm crushed that I missed it. This is one of those things I wish I would be able to tell my kids about in a couple of decades. I literally got the chills when I saw that he hit it, I can only imagine how I would've responded if I had seen it live. Intense. Say what you want about him, but he's been nothing but class the past few weeks.
  17. Yawn. Here we go again.
  18. Gary Huckabay's take on Selig's response to Bonds' homer. I lol'ed: 1 Bonds hits pitch over left field wall, making the Wells Fargo Out-Of-Home Ad Buyer happy, since the number of impressions that wall sign provided just went into the stratosphere. 2 Bud Selig remains seated, until Rangers owner Tom Hicks turns around and goads him into standing up. 3 Selig stands, hands ostentationally crammed into his pockets, and makes a face usually reserved for a first time urology patient. 4 After the game, Selig issues a celebratory press release which Joe Sheehan previously touched upon. It read some
  19. Are we supposed to be doing out top 5 albums of all time and then posting them right now, or what?
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