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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. That would improve their heart rating from a 178.96 to a 146.37 (remember, when calculating heart rating, you want a lower score), a truly tremendous turnaround, but they still have too many guys clogging up the basepaths and waiting for the 3 run home run. I'm not even sure David Eckstein could fix this. I was going to say who would play 3rd base in this scenario, but it's obvious Jeter and Eckstein would team to play double Shortstop, which is even better than having a 3rd baseman.
  2. For the record, the struggles of the Yankees have been mostly due to bad luck, and there's an extremely good chance they are going to go on a hot streak soon.
  3. What look in their eyes did the White Sox have in 05? The one that made them have like the best pitching in the league by far, but were like 7th in the AL in runs scored and managed to win despite Ozzie's best attempts to stop them? They won because of their ridiculous pitching. The Cubs are winning mostly because they've been beating up on a bunch of crappy teams lately, including their own atrocious division. The Brewers were never that strong of a team to begin with, and their decline was pretty forseeable. Whether or not the Cubs will make the playoffs is extremely debatable, but I can'
  4. I will probably go hang out at the B&N thing and then at midnight I'm just gonna drive over to Walmart and take my pick of the like 500 copies they are going to have sitting there.
  5. Would your average fan rather see news about the Yankees and Red Sox or Marlins and Royals?
  6. People want to hear about the Yankees and Red Sox. Simple as that. If people wanted to hear about the drama between Scott Olsen and Sergio Mitre on sunday (Apparently they got into a fight, the 3rd or 4th person on the team Olsen's gotten into a fight with), it would've been the lead story on Sportscenter. But the average fan doesn't care about most of the league. The average fan cares about the Yankees and Red Sox and a few other teams. I hate that that is how it is, but it can't be changed. Sheffield should probably just stop talking. He's annoying.
  7. It's entirely possible. I don't think my brain is working today, and I may just go back to sleep for the rest of the day. See if I can function better at night, or something. Either way, I actually haven't listened to this album yet, which is kind of sad, but I just have no desire to. I'll probably get to it eventually, but I'm not rushing to listen to it.
  8. I was mostly replying to your statement that nobody cares about the Pumpkins. They may suck, but a lot of people care about them still.
  9. Huh. I'm almost positive I posted in this thread...
  10. Hopefully I can get mine the day it comes out, because if not I'm screwed. Once I do get it I'm not leaving my room. I'm reading it the whole way through, like I have the last 3 books.
  11. Radcliffe's not an awful actor, and the screenplays could be a lot worse (See: First two movies in HP series.) I'll say that Emma Thompson's probably the weakest link in a fairly strong cast. I'm starting to like the guy who plays Ron, he's great as the comic relief. I loved the casting of HBC as Bellatrix Lestrange. Really good casting job there. And I really can't wait until we see the book 7 movie, as I think Voldemort will be a much more major character and we are really going to see Ralph Feinnes shine.
  12. Why, you smarmy, condescending.... SPOILER ALERT
  13. There's another Harry Potter book 7 thread?
  14. Unless Harry just completely missed the whole veritaserum thing, which is possible. He was distracted at the time.
  15. Happened for Book 6 for my sister. I'm really looking forward to this, and to be perfectly honest, I have no idea whats going to happen..To be honest, I don't think any of us are going to be able to predict anything in this book.
  16. Well, Snape does say that Umbridge used Veritaserum to get the confession, so I'm guessing we haven't seen the end of Cho and Harry, though they didn't make up, I'm sure that didn't slip his notice.
  17. Indeed. That movie is crazy sober...
  18. If they are like any museum I've been in, they won't allow flash photogs, but it's not banned outright.
  19. If they do 3 shows I'll try to make all three, though 2/3 is more likely. Either way, can't complain, I've generally thought their shows here have always been pretty good. Jeff seems to not really enjoy playing in South Florida, at least, so there's a bit of tension that has led to some extremely interesting and entertaining shows. I think it's the weather...
  20. Is it lonely up on your pedestal? Gosh, it must be so much fun going through life hating good music. Go back to Summerteeth and tell me what about "My Darling", "We're Just Friends" or "When You Wake Up Feeling Old" isn't "MOR", which doesn't even really mean anything. It's a BS term that elitists like to toss around "MOR" is defined by Wikipedia as "Music classed as MOR is broadly popular in outlook, but not cutting edge; it is generally strongly melodic and frequently uses vocal harmony techniques". That doesn't sound like Summerteeth at all.
  21. Wasn't it, like the #1 selling album of the week? Good point.
  22. I need to reread Half Blood Prince, as I'm completely forgetting what happens in it...
  23. The new one is probably better than the 4th, though I sitll think the 3rd is both the best book and movie. Plus the 3rd movie had more Gary Oldman, and since he's by far the best actor in the whole series, thats a huge positive. On the whole, the new one was really good. Had some really touching moments, and some really funny moments. I didn't like how they basically did a standard "movie magical montage" thing for showing how DA learned their spells, but I guess there was no other way for them to do it. Also, Harry and Cho's kiss goes on for about 5 seconds longer than is comfortable for th
  24. wow - way to elevate the discussion. Good going!
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