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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. Yeah, thats how I feel. The games are a lot of fun though.
  2. Hey, I'm one of them. And you don't hear me telling people to stop eating burgers. I have no problem with it. That ship sailed a long time ago.
  3. The things you don't know about MrRain could fill up a large bathtub, or possibly a small swimming pool.
  4. I know. thats what I found odd. All of the tips are supposed to be ways to spread the message of free health care. I guess he substituted number 6 with "Make a big budget documentary that will net you millions of dollars." That actually might be a more effective way to eliminate the health care problem. If every lower middle class person with no health care could just afford to fly to England, France, and then back to America, and then take a boat to Cuba and then make a movie about it, we wouldn't have this problem.
  5. On his website, there is a list of ways that you can help spread the message of free health care, or something, and in between: 4. Send your health care horror story to your member of congress (be sure to CC michael@michaelmoore.com) or pay them a house call to let them know how you feel. 5. Band together with organizations to bring down private, for-profit health insurance companies. and: 7. Put a button or a banner on your site so other people can find out what they can do, too. He has: 6. Eat fruits and vegetables and walk around. I just though that was rich.
  6. He should've been put in the game. I have no idea what he has said about it, but in that situation, you put Albert "I'm One Of The Most Ridiculously Talented Baseball Players On The Planet" Pujols in the game. You don't save him to be a late inning defensive replacement or a utility player, especially not if "It counts". This makes me even more hopeful that the Marlins will be able to convince them that they don't need their top Centerfield and Catcher prospects and will give them up for Willis.
  7. I wasn't referring to that in terms of the film. It doesn't discredit anything he might have to say in the movie (the fact that he is deliberately misleading in his films might, but thats another story), but really It's hard to take health tips from a guy who so very obviously doesn't care about his own health. I love that something I said in passing that has nothing to do with the movie is the one part of a fairly long post that gets noticed. Way to elevate the discussion.
  8. While there need to be some changes, I can't see how it's economically feasible to provide universal health care for life to a nation of 300 million people. What does he have to say about how we provide for this? Also, much of the innovation in the pharmaceutical industry comes about as a result of the competition inherent in it being a private enterprise, ie. the sale of your product to the highest bidder. That is the nature of our economic system, and say what you will about how it inherently leads to unfairness, at least it breeds innovation and new ideas. Of course, there is the problem
  9. I've come to the conclusion that Tony La Russa just gets trashed before games and then continues drinking throughout the game. It's the only way to explain the decisions he makes.
  10. For the record, Jeff is absolutely fucking with all of you guys re: Sky Blue Sky. I have the real album and it's fucking fantastic (All of the members of the secret Wilco message board/fan club got a copy hand delivered from Jeff.). Blows this Weather Channel Presents the Alman Brothers meets the Eagles with Hitler on Backing Vocals Schilling Volkswagens they are trying to pass off as an album to the unwashed and unlearned masses. Keep buying, sheep. The privileged among us know whats really going on with Wilco, and it would blow your fucking minds.
  11. Yawn. Big yawn. He's supposed to admit that he used steroids on a nationally televised interview? Come on, what did you expect? I'm a pretty big Bonds apologist, mostly because with our without steroids, he's still the greatest player of this generation, bar none and since I don't like the idea of assuming that guys like Griffey didn't use steroids when there is no evidence one way or the other, I'm not going to assume anyone was clean. And either way, he dominated the steroids era the exact same why Ty Cobb dominated the dead ball era, or Babe Ruth dominated the Live ball era. You cannot ju
  12. In all honesty, Wilco could pick a record of them farting as the lead single and it would get them as much airplay.
  13. I'm actually Fergie. Thank you all for the kind words in the sellout threads!
  14. As the resident 18 (now 19) year old pop apologist, I'm going to go ahead and disagree with your statement that Jack Johnson, John Mayer and (in a live setting at least) Dave Matthews Band being "horrible". At the very least they make inoffensive music with catchy melodies and talented musicianship (This cannot be disputed for Mayer and Matthews. Mayer is sick on guitar, and Matthews has a hell of a band backing him). I'm also going to go ahead and disagree with you that Cornell, Metallica, RHCP, Roger Waters, Snoop Dogg, Madonna, or the Police having "jumped the shark" (Whatever that implies
  15. I am 19 now. Alternately going on 5 and 40 depending on my mood.
  16. Javy Vazquez is like 2 or 3 times better than Garland.
  17. Thats a great album. "Another Song" was one of the best songs of last year, imo. This album is great.
  18. Or "The Butcher", as my grandfather knew him.
  19. With 4 K/9ip and a 5/3 K/BB I seriously doubt it. In fact, I'd be surprised if he was below 4.5 by the end of the year. He's striking out less batters and walking more. This is not a good formula for success.
  20. They are quite awful, huh? By the way, Jon Garland's performance was entirely predictable, as he was playing above his head by quite a bit and was due for some major regression.
  21. I find you to be rather shallow and pedantic.
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