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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. So who is going to be the lucky soul who gets to send me this?
  2. I just realized when my license expires in 2012, I'm not going to be able to get a new one until the 5th. I bet I get pulled over on July 5th, 2012 on my way to the DMV and I get a ticket...
  3. The board's being all crazy and stuff. The whole top right menu with "My assistant" is gone and there's a bunch of other buggy things going on. Whats the deal?
  4. So I wasn't the only person who was sort of underwhelmed by them. Good. I basically agree with you, it was an enjoyable performance, but it didn't quite do it for me.
  5. Where does Adrian Beltre's 2004 rank on the list of "Flukiest seasons ever"? Probably below Darin Erstad's 2000, but it's gotta be pretty far up there...
  6. I'm assuming I'll see the boy in Florida in February or March of next year. And I do plan on making it to at least 2 of the 3 probably Florida shows.
  7. Loving this album. Pitchfork does not agree...
  8. Really? We are this angry about this? I mean, he was the fall guy, of course he wasn't going to serve the whole sentence. But somebody had to take the blame.
  9. He basically said we'd all agree with what the band did regardless of what they did because frankly, it doesn't effect us, isn't our decision and because we are fans. That actually sounds about right. I'm pretty someone has said that a few times over the course of like 38 threads.
  10. Dancingbarneysmackinganimaginaryass.gif
  11. The Marlins have one all star. One. Amazing.
  12. he just signed like a 5 year extension with the White Sox. So no. If Cashman was a terrific GM he would've have thrown 70 million dollars at Pavano and Jared Wright.
  13. A-Rod for Dontrelle. Get it done.
  14. I always took "Kicking Television" to be very tounge in cheek. Maybe I've been listening to it wrong. And I didn't know Volkswagen, a german company, represented everything that was wrong with America. So the Cabriot represents the health care system, the Passat is the war, and the Jetta represents immigration? Also, how did Wilco, by allowing a few songs to be licensed in a commercial, put their stamp of aproval on the war in Iraq?
  15. Even though Narron was probably the worst manager in the bigs (Leaves his pitchers out for way too long), it's gonna take a lot more than a chance of manager to right that ship. There's a lot wrong there.
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