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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. Finished it about an hour ago. Simply an amazing, amazing book. Everything I could've wanted from the finale. It's bittersweet to see the series end, but at least I've got the movies to look forward to, though I can't see any way they do this book justice without making the movie like 5 hours long.
  2. I am 580 pages through it... I should be done in an hour or so...
  3. I downloaded the book, but I'm not sure if I want to start reading. Mostly because I have to get up early and if I start reading I"m not gonna fall asleep...
  4. Especially if the other teams wanted to win. These guys are playing to win, end of story. My favorite quote on the whole issue, and I've posted it before, comes from Firejoemorgan.com: Were I a Major League Baseball player from 1993-2004 (it may surprise you to learn that I, in fact, was not), and a teammate of mine told me he was taking steroids in an effort to better his performance, I would have said to that teammate: "Thank you for taking steroids. I hope it makes you, and, consequently, our team better. It seems odd that there are no real penalties for taking steroids. I myself wou
  5. I hadn't heard. Tell me more.
  6. The fact of the matter is cheating has been around in baseball since the beginning. It is as firmly ingrained in the culture of Major League Baseball as balls and strikes. There are numerous pitchers in the hall of fame who have admitted to using spit or shine balls, and many who have been accused of using amphetamines or other stimulants to help them through the long grind of the season. It is unavoidable, and to crucify one player who was simply doing what most other players in the league were is unfair. If McGwire hadn't appeared crappy before the congressional panel, there's no question he
  7. I'm willing to trade Dontrelle Willis for a large, New York style Pepperoni Pizza and a 10 dollar blockbuster gift card at this point.
  8. If you had the best player in the league for the past decade who was going for the most revered record in sports on your team, and you were at the game, I bet you anything you wouldn't boo. And no matter where he is when he breaks the record, people are going to cheer, like him or not. I really don't think it's that big of a deal if he breaks it. It doesn't take anything away from Aaron, and if anything, in context it makes what Aaron did even more impressive considering the era he played in was dominated by pitchers for a decade (the 60's). If Aaron had the middle of his career in the 90's
  9. Not sure if any of you guys have heard this band, but you should check this album out. I think they're gonna be big.
  10. You used to be one of the best posters around, but now I'm not even sure you are trying. The answer is obviously 1. AM 2. BT 3. ST 4. YHF 5. AGIB/SBS
  11. I can't wait to see Goodell try to sidestep this. He threw the book at Pacman despite him never being found guilty, but I bet nothing happens to Vick.
  12. Sounds good, minus Miluwakee being all far and stuff...
  13. I like these guys, but I'm not sure I like them enough to make the drive to Orlando, especially with my current financial situation.
  14. They still don't have a record label, do they? I think Radiohead fans should be known as "Headheads"...
  15. And about 12 posters who would argue whether the lightbulb was essential.
  16. The upper deck at Yankee Stadium is ridiculously steep. I'm surprised it doesn't happen more often. Gotta be tough for the vendors up there.
  17. Boy it would be sweet if I could get some Dr. Dog/Wilco down here in Fla.
  18. Of my 4 closest friends, one is a big Yankees fan, but he's also one of the most knowledgable baseball fans I've ever met. One doesn't like baseball at all. One likes the Red Sox, but thats only because he's from Rhode Island and he kind of has to, being from New England and all. And the last friend is a Marlins fan, but he's not a terribly knowledgable baseball fan, mostly because he didn't really begin following baseball until the 2003 season. In his defense, ever since he started watching baseball, he's known that pitching wins are a completely worthless stat, but he can't understand why I
  19. In my opinion, it's a tie between batting average and wins for a pitcher, among the commonly used ones. Obviously any with a tiny sample size like BA with RISP and 2 outs is going to be useless simply because of the small sample size (and because of the implication that a player's performance in those situation can tell you something important about how "Clutch" a player is), so those are out. Batting average is useless because guys like Adam Dunn and Dan Uggla hit .240 and are infinitely more valuable than a guy like Juan Pierre or Scott Podsednik hitting .290-.310. Batting average is really
  20. I wish. Half of the time, I have no clue what I'm talking about, and the other half I'm just copying and pasting from baseballprospectus. By the way, did anyone else take advantage of Baseballprospectus.com's 5 day free trial last week? It was pretty sweet. They've got all kinds of neat stuff on that site.
  21. There's no easier way to kill a thread than by titling it "Harry Potter 7: ALL SPOILER THREAD"
  22. Well, I'm talking mostly about the fact that they are still underperforming their Pythagoreon W/L by 6 games. Based on their runs scored and allowed, they should have 6 more wins than they do now. And since the PWL is generally a pretty accurate predictor of a team's actual W/L, these things tend to even out over the course of the year. Based on their Runs scored and runs allowed, the Yankees should be the 3rd best team in the AL, believe it or not. It's still highly possible they will be. There's a lot of season left, stranger things have happened.
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