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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. "Dreaming Of You" is one of the best songs of the decade.
  2. Mostly because Howard has what Bill James described as The "old player skillset" is: power, walks, lack of speed. Young players like that tend to age poorly. I think it is because old players tend to rely on their power and walks for their value, so if you already do this, when you do decline, you are going to decline fast because you've got nowhere to go once your power fades. It's mostly just a hunch, plus the fact that many of his most comparable players faded out pretty quickly once they reached the age of like 32 or so. David Ortiz is another of these players. I wouldn't expect him
  3. I can't make it. If it had been like September I might've been able to swing something, as I may be up in the Northeast then... Oh well.
  4. My biggest problem was that it was built on such flimsy evidence. There is no proof those home runs went as far as he says they did, aside from rudimentary measurements and anecdotal evidence. Combine that with the fact that he uses the average sizes of ball parks now to say that his flyball outs and doubles would've been home runs today when in fact there are very few parks (maybe Chavez Ravine is the only one I can think of that came close to the dimensions he used) and I couldn't get through it. The whole argument was essentially a house of cards built on the premis that these spray charts
  5. Speaking of prodigious home run hitters, what do people expect out of Ryan Howard's career? I expect him to follow a Mo Vaughn type path were he just crashes at the age of like 32. Is this unreasonable? There aren't any players who have made such a sudden impact so early in their career but at such a (relatively advanced) age. He pretty much debuted during his peak years. It's too bad he didn't get a chance to play at like 23-24 as he might have had a really nice career. That said, someone is going to give him a really bad contract when he becomes a free agent in 2011 and they are going to reg
  6. Yeah. That was a really interesting chapter, though I'm of the opinion that Ruth played in an even more unfair era than Bonds did, steroids and all, and they make point very well. Babe Ruth was playing against (most of) the best white players in the country. Would he have hit as many home runs if Satchel Paige was on (say) the Red Sox and was pitching against him 5-10 times a year? Would Josh Gibson have hit even more home runs and made Ruth's record null? I think it's entirely possible to assume that he wouldn't have been as dominant had he played in today's game (mostly because it is harder
  7. This book is nerdy, even for me. But it's engrossing.
  8. The Hold Steady are definitely deserving. Love those guys, and they put on a fantastic live show.
  9. I actually wasn't surprised by the whole Snape loves Lily thing. I knew that all along.
  10. I carried a single folder/notebook.
  11. I'm going to highly suggest a first aid kit of some sort. If her first year is anyting like mine, her roommate is going to get ridiculously drunk and step on a shot glass, thus leaving blood everywhere. Probably a big bottle of aspirin or tylenol will be good, and definitely a jumbo thing of bandages. I know my 3 roommates and I ended up using a ton of bandaids and I'm not sure why or how. And I'll second the "money" part of it. I spent way too much money my first year of college, and now I'm wishing I hadn't. But I think it's inevitable. First time away from parents you don't really kno
  12. Ok? And? We are going to eat meat regardless. It is expensive and it takes a long time to kill the animals we eat humanely. In a capitalist society such as ours, it is no feasible to kill the animals humanely. There is a huge difference between making two dogs fight to the death or until they become so injured that you cannot justify keeping them alive and kill them by electrocution and cutting a chicken's head off so they can make delicious Chicken McNuggets. I have no doubt their claims are true. I just don't care.
  13. I'm definitely getting a mini-fridge this year, by the way. I got quite sick of my roommates stealing my drinks and food last year.
  14. I didn't realize we weren't allowed to post anything about specific players in this thread. Guys, we need to delete all of our A-rod and Bonds posts... This thread's gonna be like 4 posts long now...
  15. I think I'll be going to Nashvil the 3rd week in August. What should I do?
  16. I remember when people where sayign the Mets have a better left side of the infield than the Marlins*. That was cute. 2007 stats: *This still happens. It is still cute.
  17. Yep. Thats a necessity. We don't have kitchens in our rooms at my school, so the Foreman is a must. Now if only I could cook something besides burgers and dogs. But that thing is perfect for the dorm. Sit it on the counter and make sure you clean it. This is how I met like everyone in my building. Just start cooking something and leave the door open. People will just stop in.
  18. No, really man. You are so cool. If I had known you thought they were garbage, I wouldn't have wasted so much time with them. Why did you speak up sooner? The world needs heroes like you in the dark times when people are going out and doing despicable acts like reading and getting excited about something. Thank you.
  19. The Vick family puts out some darlings, don't they?
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