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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. Really? The depth of your one good hitter is ridiculous? Sure, you've got like 19 good pitchers, but without somebody besides Vlad hitting the ball, I'd be shocked if you made the playoffs.
  2. You've obviously never driven in Florida. Nobody is patient and nobody uses their horns. And nobody uses their turn signals. And street signs and lights are just a suggestion to most people.
  3. I think that Ron White dude is hysterical. Just about the only one of the "redneck" comedy guys who I think is funny. Because he doesn't base his entire set on being a redneck, like the others. His is mostly based on alcoholism, which is obviously a funnier subject (sarcasm).
  4. It's a long running joke based on the fact that Pat didn't appear in hardly any of the footage on the SBS DVD. Calm down.
  5. That was a guy I was really hoping the Marlins would try to trade for last offseason...
  6. He's been injured for about a month. But he just got called back up. starts tonight.
  7. I'm sure lots of people think he's funny. I don't happen to. For the record, aman, I can't picture you laughing at anything. Is that weird?
  8. Everytime I've seen this lineup I've yelled "Pat, you rock" at some point. But really, he adds a lot of depth and sound to the band, and it wouldn't be the same without him. Alot of the time's when you hear the weird, random sounds that make Wilco so lovely, it's Pat's work.
  9. Eh, at least Chappelle is funny. Larry the Cable is stupid, innoffensive, and most importantly, not even a little bit funny.
  10. The new Capitals jerseys are teh sexy. The Panthers traded for Vokoun. I hesitantly say this makes us a playoff team next year.
  11. Elijah Dukes was released. If the Marlins don't pick him up I'll be incredibly angry.
  12. Awesome. There's a beatles one that I saw on a guy at Bonnaroo.
  13. As an eastern conference rival, me too.
  14. Yeah, that did irk me. That's an amazing moment in context, and out of context it just seems like Jeff is saying "I have no idea how people get so attached to their VW's, but they do. Isn't that special?"
  15. If you guys gvie up Gordon, Tyrus Thomas, and your first round pick for the next 2 years (Thats what I think it would take), you'd absolutely be a better team. No question. You'd be in the finals next year, I'd say. What killed the Bulls all year? No consistent scoring. Deng showed that he could be a huge force on the offensive end at times, but he also dissapeared. Gordon's got the prettiest looking shot I've ever seen, but he can't create his own shot, and is also really streaky. He also plays no defense. Hinrich is a nice scorer, but he'll never be a huge threat. Ben Wallace is almost a 0
  16. It's a discussion board, dude. We are discussing a topic that at one point had a point, but is since lost. Either way, it's a discussion worth having if only because it's better than discussing Jeff's shoes. Nobody's going to win anything and, obviously, nobody is going to concede defeat, so it's just going to die out eventually.
  17. So Northerner's are as close minded as southerners, but in a different way? Sweet? So good. May be one of the funniest 10 minutes in television history.
  18. You've positioned yourself as the champion of this indefensible cause. If you are going to call people out for "ignoring" your posts, then you should damn well expect the same from other people. You aren't going to get any sympathy from anyone that you don't have the time to answer the posts, because nobody is making you do any of this. You came in here guns a'blazing, and you've continued to dig yourself into a hole where you feel like you have to respond. I do think it's kind of funny that you choose to "ignore" the posts that have the most damning information and instead focus on posts that
  19. See what I did there? It's the same deal, except Kobe is better than Shaq was at that point (though the Bulls don't have anyone on Wade's level, either.) Basiaclly, the NBA is the only league where you can trade 3/5 of yoru starting lineup for a superstar and get better. Kobe makes them a much better team now and in the future. I'd love it if they didn't do this trade.
  20. the guys are feeling good about their liquor run the girls are kinda flirting with the setting sun we all kind of fumbled through the jitter bug we were all powered up on some new upper drug and everything was partying everyone was pretty and everyone was coming towards the center of the city the dancefloor was crowded, the bathrooms were worse we kissed in your car and we drank from your purse i had my mouth on her nose when the chaperon said we were dancing too close we had some massive nights we got the songs just right and all i want is time yea your friends are pretty cool and my friend
  21. And I think I mentioned the Florida Marlins baseball club.
  22. "Conquest" rules. I didn't like it at first, but now I love it. It's so crazy.
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