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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. In like all of their albums. There I said it. I actually had a dream last night that they released a new album and it was really good. Crazy dreams...
  2. Marlins apparently traded for Jacque Jones. I'd rather Elijah Dukes or Milton Bradley, but Jones is an upgrade for sure.
  3. What a shocker, a wrestler used steroids. I'm guessing this has zip to do with anything. In fact, I remember reading an article a few years back about a lot of football players suffering from dementia early on in life because of all of the concussions that went untreated and ignored. I wonder if that has anything to do with this. I just can't imagine a guy who is by all accounts a good person doing something like this for no reason. I really wish we could know why. It's so troubling that someone could just snap like that...
  4. You really come off as an ignorant ass in these last few posts.
  5. Ugh, they are saying that Benoit probably strangled his wife on saturday, killed his son on sunday and then hung himself today. Awful, awful story, and I can't imagine what drove him to this... WWE.com has taken down their video tributes from the website, so I'm guessing they are working under the assumption that he did it. I mean, it sucks that they ended up running a tribute to a guy who in all likelihood is a murderer, but what could they have done? All they knew was one of the most popular guys on their roster died and they had to act on what they knew. No way to blame them for running
  6. This is crazy. I hate to make any accusations, but it doesn't look good at all... At least Vince did the right thing and cancelled Raw and ran a Benoit tribute. After all of the crap Vince has been doing lately, he did the right thing.
  7. My team is sucking. When I traded for Jason Bay he immediately stopped producing. Nice.
  8. It's really easy to say that when you are very probably one of the 5 best players of your generation and the most similar player to you for the last 9 years of your career is Mickey Mantle.
  9. And when he lost 2 thursdays ago what letter did that day end in?
  10. I think Maine's gonna be a solid middle of the rotation starter, but I can't see him having a 2.9 era all year. I wouldn't be surprised to see Sosa's ERA rise by a ful run, and the same with El Duque. Maine and Perez will probably have a bout a half a run raise, but they are pretty legitimate, compared to Hernandez and Sosa.
  11. "I Want You (She's So Heavy)" Obviously.
  12. I'm not sure what happened. He was always a big dude, no? He may have just let himself go in a bad way.
  13. Did he really not get a win in like the last 3 weeks. It's been a while since you did that. Rob Beck passed away. That sucks...
  14. I'm almost 100% positive he made it up. Hysterical.
  15. Apparently the Panthers aren't changing much so I probably won't buy one, though I've sort of outgrown mine...
  16. Sweet, this totally needed like a new thread.
  17. That was more of an afterthought than anything. I mean, thats like historically awful. I was mostly joking about being shocked. And I definitely agree on Vlad. He's awesome. I loved him with the Expos. He was one of my favorite players. I remember watching a Braves Expos game and he hit an absolute bomb. They said it was 503 feet, but it was in the Dome, so it might've been even further. It bounced off of the back wall and back onto the field. Ridiculous.
  18. My mentioning of Aybar had nothing to do with the team as a whole. I was mentioning as an aside that he's been spectacularly awful in a large number of at bats. And you look at his refusal to trade prospect as a good thing? Teixeira was just an example, I'll go to the most recently mentioned two (according to a Ken Rosenthal article from today): Adam Dunn or Troy Glaus. Both make a lot of sense for the team (Glaus probably a little more) and both would probably cost about the same in prospects; probably Brandon Wood and a single A arm gets it done. Do you do that? Do you regret it if your G
  19. Some of the new jerseys. Most of them are getting redone this year. The Panthers have a new jersey coming out. Can't wait to see it. If these are any indication, it's gonna be nice.
  20. Really. You are surprised a "Stats guy" is using stats to judge the value of a guy who has like 3/4 of the season's AB so far? He's had a lot of atbats for you so far, and he's been awful. Again, I don't really care if the Angels stay hot, I just don't think it's likely. There are a lot more factors that point to them not continuing to stay hot than there are that they do continue. Lots of players performing over their career averages and projections, not to mention they are playing above their expected w/l based on runs scored (a nice fact that keeps being ignored). That says to me that t
  21. I love it when this place gets all PG-13. (PS Hi Skyflynn!)
  22. I'm a huge Howie Kendrick fan, and he's going to win multiple batting titles before he's done. Kid's gonna be great. Chone Figgins is very much a "meh" player, I have nothing to say about him other than he's having close to a career year and he's still very much a league average or below player. Juan Rivera is not going to be a savior, and I can definitely see this team going on a long slide soon (mostly because they remind me alot of the Red Sox through April and May; Overperforming their expected win/loss with career best numbers from key contributors), but they'll probably still be there in
  23. Admittedly, I didn't look at the stats, so you've got me there. Now that I am looking at them, however, almost all of your players are performing above their career averages (either in the majors, or for the rookies and young players, in the minors.) That is a team that is overperforming, and there is a reason they are trying desperately to pick up another big bat. Reggie Willits MiLB OPS: .794 Reggie Willits MLB OPS: .852 Orlando Cabrera Career OPS: .728 Orlando Cabrera 2007 OPS: .837 Casey Kotchman MiLB OPS: .900 Casey Kotchman MLB OPS: .967 Those 3 guys are performing so far over
  24. True, South Florida is either South Bronx or North Cuba depending on where you are...
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