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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. He's pretty much right. The best team doesn't win the World Series every time. Case in point, the Marlins were not a better team than the Yankees in 2003; they gave away way too many outs with small ball and their outfield defense was pretty crappy. But they won because they got hot and were probably more well suited to winning a short series than the Yankees, and at least part of it has to do with one of their great flaws (giving away outs). Small ball is bad baseball in the long term (giving away outs limits your ability to score runs in bunches), but in a short, close series, you are increa
  2. So if 2 days after DFW died someone had gone into the thread you made and said "God damn, I'm glad that no talent, pill popping cocksucker is dead. Good riddance" you wouldn't have gone on a long diatribe and berated them? Interesante.
  3. I wonder how GON would react if someone had gone in the DFW thread and said "yeah! Sweet, best news ever."
  4. "Sonny Feeling" is really being underrated here. It's the only song where Jeff really lets rip on guitar, and Nels is phenomenal. I have no fucking clue what the lyrics are about, but I like them. I like that it makes an Eminem reference.
  5. How the fuck are we not completely eliminated yet? We have stumbled ass backwards into being 3 games back in the loss column for the wild card. What the hell.
  6. I love it because it's so sad. It's such a perfect portrayal of a heartbreaking situation, and he nails it.
  7. Oh yeah, "Sonny Feeling" is so good. The guitar bit after "Oh maybe it's random how each moment unfolds" is probably Nels' single greatest non-"Impossible Germany" contribution to the band. Maybe it comes in third after the absolutely ridiculous solo he rips off at the end of "California Stars" from one of the residency shows.
  8. Somewhat. The game isn't until the 12th, so I'm going to get some game film and practice with that before.
  9. They beat the Dolphins in that game, right? Like, 05?
  10. I'm pretty certain "Danny Callahan" is the best song he's ever written. He's been threatening to write a song that good for like 5 years, and he finally did it. It's the musical equivalent of LeBron's 2008-2009 season.
  11. I'm doing play by play for FIU football on the student radio station. I'm a little nervous, actually.
  12. For a team as loaded with prospects as the Rays, replacing Kaz's 6 ERA isn't going to kill their post season chances. If anything, it helps. This can be seen as a move for now and a move for tomorrow. And hey, payroll limitations are what they are. If they truly thought he was worth it, they'd keep him. But the fact of the matter is you have to get a return on your investment. The Rays have not because Kaz has been absolutely terrible this season. They can't afford for him to be terrible, and they got something for him. Guess what: The playing field isn't level. The Rays can't afford to
  13. I legitimately do not understand your point. It's potentially a good move for them, as he might not be an ace, but can be a brilliant #3 starter if healthy. I don't see how this could be seen as buying a penant, unless any move where you add salary is an attempt to buy a penant.
  14. So any trade to improve your team is "buying a pennant"? I'm not that big a fan of Kazmir. All he does well is strike guys out. He's pretty pedestrian at all other skills. He's good enough, but not the ace he has the reputation for being.
  15. I don't have any use for "Solitaire". It is the most awkward song Jeff's ever written, and I really thought it would grow on me. Not a fan. "You Never Know" has gotten on my nerves, and I'm not a fan. "I'll Fight" is the best song emotionally on the album. "My Country Dissapeared" is so much better than I expected. It's mostly good, but probably comes injust above SBS in their albums, so 2nd worst. Still like the songs I like a lot, but it's got the only Wilco song I consistently dislike.
  16. Cockroaches are fucking creepy, and I will kill them without any questions. I let anything else go.
  17. I meant that in the best possible way. I want to go there and experience it. Looks fucking massive.
  18. "Zip City". Don't know if I said that already, but it's definitely my choice.
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