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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. I don't know how I feel about the trade. The reaction on the Marlin boards is that somebody must've slipped something into Larry Beinfest's drink, but I personally think it was a preemptive move on both team's part. The Marlins or Mets might have been looking to take one of those players via the Rule V draft, so they decided to trade them anyways, thus giving them the roster flexibility to send them down to AAA if they need to. From a Mets fan on the Marlin board: I like the sound of this Henry Owens kid. He struck out 12.4 in the Minors in 6 seasons, and last year he was absolutely
  2. He reminds me of Drew Brees, in that he's quick enough to get out of the pocket if he has to, but he's just a smart quarterback who doesn't mind throwing it or handing it off. I think he's got a much brighter future in the NFL than Vince Young, for what it's worth.
  3. Because apparently it is bad to want to make as much money as possible.
  4. The Marlins made two minor trades today: One with the Mets, who get Adam Bostick and Jason Vargas, a couple of hard throwing lefties who could develop into above average pitchers. Vargas looked like a pretty decent #4-5 starter before he completely lost his control and started walking a batter an inning. If he doesn't develop as a pitcher, he could convert into an outfielder, as he swings a really nice bat. The Marlins got a couple of hard throwing relievers. We also traded the guy I wanted to close for us next year, Chris Resop, to the Padres for a minor leaguer. Resop has good stuff, and
  5. It's all about the benjamins, and I can't tell if most people want to see them play again, or if that would be boring. My personal opinion is in the middle. If Michigan is the best team, fine let them play, but it would be unfair to the Gators or Trojans if they don't get at least a shot.
  6. Duh. And because it works the same way as the Yankees-Red Sox. It was interesting in 2004. Now it's oversaturated the market, and pretty much nobody outside of Boston or NY even cares about it now. Let the rivalry play normally, don't force it on people.
  7. I'm pretty sure most of the country does not want to see that.
  8. Yeah, but if Michigan wins, you could make an argument that it should be a split championship, since they just lost to them in their last game. It brings up too many problems.
  9. It's with soda and a candy cane, I don't see what the problem it.
  10. According to my drunk friend last night: 1 scoop szcoop of Goldschlager 1/2 zibidibop of 151 1 cookucachu of DonQ light rum and mix it with some coke... (candy) cane. This is how you get a
  11. Some guy on another message board I frequent used this to go on a rant about how all of the democrats want to bring the draft back, and how they hate immigrants.
  12. I really hope they don't do a rematch. I can't think most people around the country don't want to see these two teams play again. Michigan lost. If Texas was a 1 loss team, would we be saying they deserve a rematch?
  13. He really cashed in, seeing as he was basically league average for a 1B last year, it looks like they overpaid. Ryan Howard won the NL MVP, which I'm not sure I agree with. He had great stats, but he does play in a pretty extreme hitters park, and his team didn't even make the playoffs with arguably a better supporting cast than Pujols had. There is not a singe other player on the Cards that is as good as Chase Utley, and with the exception of Carpenter, the Phils had an arguably better pitching staff. I don't think he was as valuable as Pujols, who keeps on getting robbed. I think he's b
  14. Even with his great year last year, he still didn't make the top 10 in Slug. and wasn't anywhere close to the top 10 in OBP. He also strikes out too much for the little amount of walks he has. I will say that he's best off in the leadoff role, so seeing as that is the smart thing to do, we can be assured that the cubs will do the opposite, and bat him cleanup.
  15. Pretty good album, but not nearly as good as Hot Fuss. "Bones" is a great tune, and the horns are absolutely great in it.
  16. You caught me, Raul Ibanez is definetly on my short list of better players than Alfonso Soriano. Ibanez career OPS: .813 Soriano: .835 Not as drastic a difference as you'd like it to be, plus he's a plus defender at center, whereas Soriano has been below average every year but last year. But no, Ibanez wouldn't be ahead of him. But there are two players on his own team that are better than him, not to mention one pitcher. He's way overrated because of his steals, keep in mind he had two very average seasons in the 2nd best hitters park in the league. His 04-05 numbers would look even
  17. It's all about FIU-FAU. Thats a rivalry, alright. Stretches back to 2001.
  18. The guy has been in the top 20 in the majors in Runs Created 2 times. His offense has always been overrated, and now he is one of the 10 best paid players in the game. I'd be hard pressed to say he's a top 40 player if you included pitchers. Last season he finally started walking, and I think was a result of him hitting leadoff, but I don't think the Cubs are smart enough to bat him leadoff, so he'll be back to his old ways of trying to drive in runs instead of waiting for his pitch. I'd be suprised if he OBP's over .330 next year, and I see 35 homers as his absolute peak.
  19. Looking out the door I see the rain fall upon the funeral mourners Parading in a wake of sad relations as their shoes fill up with water And maybe Im too young to keep good love from going wrong But tonight youre on my mind so you never know When Im broken down and hungry for your love with no way to feed it Where are you tonight, child you know how much I need it Too young to hold on and too old to just break free and run Sometimes a man gets carried away, when he feels like he should be having his fun And much too blind to see the damage hes done Sometimes a man must awake to find that r
  20. I just realized that for all of the talk about Manny Ramirez's struggles and David Ortiz's successes this year, Manny actually had a better year than him. Amazing.
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