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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. I just saw this movie last night and it was unbelievable. The cinematography was simply stunning. One of the best shot movies I've ever seen. I can't get over how good it was. Film of the year? Maybe. It is worth the price of admission simply for the absolutely unbelievable single take shot at the end. Stunning.
  2. He's not a terrible player, but he doesn't derserve the hall of fame. If he gets in Albert Belle definetly should get in, and then you'd have to make a case for Luis Gonzalez and Andres Gallaragas, and Ellis Burks, and any number of guys who don't derserve the hall. Also, does "Future Hall of Famer Lance Berkman" sound right to anyone? I'm looking at his stats, and I honestly didn't realize how good he is. Might be the most underrated player in the league. He keeps it up for 8 more years or so, and I can't see how he doesn't get in.
  3. Shadows is the only one I heard, and it's great.
  4. Not going to help his cause, but it's not a big deal. Players have been using amphetamines since the beginning of the game. There are probably hundreds of players who used them in the HoF.
  5. It's the terrorists, right? Or bears.
  6. "Woohoo, I took out my team's best playmaker!"
  7. I'm just quoting one baseball expert who feels he isn't worthy. You can quote one who says he is worthy, since he's the greatest player of all time you shouldn't have trouble. Ripken's best years were more valuable since he provided much more offense than the average shortstop, compared to Rice and the average Left fielder. And I have a hard time believing he was the most feared slugger in the game for a decade. Which decade?
  8. I think Bert Blylevlyn is the 2nd most deserving person on the ballot after McGwire, but for some reason the sports writers have a grudge against him because the "statheads" are big fans of his...
  9. Rice had 3 seasons where he could truly be considered a great player. He never topped 1.000 in OPS. I mean, was he feared in 1981 when he Slugged a Juan Encarnacion-esque .441? Not deserving of the Hall. I'd put Albert in before him for sure. Bill James calls him the most overrated player of the last 30 years.
  10. Wow, what a day for the Gators. Leak probably just moved himself into the 2nd round of the NFL draft, and Smith might've dropped himself a couple of spots.
  11. I was talking specifically all of the mental errors, blown coverages and penalties.
  12. Ohio is playing just terrible football.
  13. I'm pretty sure that was the CFL, and I think it was a huge hit.
  14. Yeah, not exactly the same but pretty close.
  15. Really? That's pretty crazy. I've never met a person outside of my family with the same last name.
  16. That Seahawks game was awesome. I can't believe Terry Glenn fumbled that swing pass... Woops.
  17. I never got around to buying it. Until last week.
  18. I finally read Moneyball this week. Very interesting book, and makes you think about things in a different way. And I'm looking at Miguel Cabrera's stats and I have to say if the Marlins don't sign him long term, I'm probably going to have to find a new team to root for. He is so good, it's retarded.
  19. Most elite 2nd basemen get most of their value from defense. And it was much the same for Shortstops until the last 2 decades or so.
  20. I'm quite glad the Marlins took Hanley and not Pedroia. I heard the had their choice of either, and after putting up one of the best rookie years in the last decade, I'd say we made the right choice.
  21. "That's completely uncalled for, Burgundy. You know those rating systems are flawed. They don't take into account houses that have more than two television sets and other things of that nature."
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