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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. Barry Bonds at this point in his career is basically Brian Giles in his prime. I'll take that.
  2. I haven't seen any interviews with his knees, so I'm going to go with what he's actually said.
  3. I'm just reporting what I heard and thought was an interesting quote. The part you left out (unexpected sources) was the interesting part, not the "interest" part.
  4. He's said repeatedly he doesn't want to be a DH, although that would be the smartest thing. I know the Marlins have a very small chance to get him, but that would be pretty awesome. Cabrera would probably put up 140 rbi batting behind Bonds.
  5. BORAT star Sacha Baron Cohen was beaten up by a passer-by after he tried to play a prank as his alter ego. He approached the man and said:
  6. I think the "source" was probably a talk radio host just making a suggestion. I'm not sure any unproven pitcher is worth the $98 million dollars they will be paying for him for 4 years. That's A-rod money.
  7. Some conjecture from a Marlins message board about Matzazuke: Damn, that would really make things interesting next year. He'll definetly never sign with the Sox if thats true, and he may be even more likely to sign with NY next year.
  8. And there are a couple who didn't get votes who probably could've, as Taylor Tankersly had a great year in the pen, Josh Willingham, Mike Jacobs, Scott Olsen, Ricky Nolasco, and Anibal Sanchez could all have made an argument in a normal year for being considered for ROY. This is a really good core for our team to build around. We've got a perrenial MVP candidate and one of the 3 best hitters in the league in Cabrera, the 2003 ROY and Cy Young runner up last year, and a whole slew of some of the games best young players. If we add a good center fielder, we're going to be amazing. Also, I f
  9. Yeah I was referring to the fact that they were team awards. He would've been a good pick for ROY too. Makarkis was probably the best hitting rookie, so I guess someone felt that there were too many pitchers who had great years, so it watered down the talent pool, or something. Maybe he thought Makarkis numbers were even more impressive given the domination the pitchers as a whole showed. Or something? It's a pretty stupid vote. I'm so happy for Hanley. I'm not going to lie I would've been pretty mad if Zimmerman got it. Basically, he had an impressive RBI total which was severly in
  10. Boy, this is the greatest album ever, and it's not really even close.
  11. My school is 0-9 and just lost at home 35-0 to University of Louisiana-Monroe. There's nothing you can say that will hurt worse than the fact that I go to FIU.
  12. When OSU absolutely blows out Michigan, it's really going to be anticlimactic.
  13. 1. What did you do in 2006 that you'd never done before? Went to college 2. Did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year? Don't remember making any 3. Did anyone close to you give birth? Not that I can recall 4. Did anyone close to you die? My grandfather 5. What countries did you visit? I moved into the heart of Miami, so I'd say I live in a different country now. 6. What would you like to have in 2007 that you lacked in 2006? More money would help 7. What date from 2006 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? June 5th, the day I left for my
  14. Thats about 75% of Joey Harrington's picks this year.
  15. The Dolphins are who we thought they were. And they've actually started winning.
  16. Seeing as he was one of the few Boston pitchers worth a damn this year, that is not at all surprising.
  17. Meanwhile, in Orlando Dwight Howard goes for 21 points and 22 rebounds. He looks like young, faster Shaq. He's amazing.
  18. If he plays at the 2005 level, I'd say it's a great deal.
  19. Baseball prospectus expects him to be worth 17.9 million for the next two years total.
  20. Really? Adding one of the best hitters of the last decade makes you say "uggggghhhhhhhhh"?
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