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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. I've got a baseball prospectus subscription, if you want to check out the PECOTA projections. I know. I wasn't mad. Stop yelling. And I'd just like to repeat since I know accusing a Sock hero of using might get under some skin here, I don't think he used.
  2. His point is that there are certain players and certain types of players who will never have the suspicion put on them. I personally think race has a lot to do with it, but I've always been pretty sensitive to the role race plays in the media's portrayal of athletes, but I think he brings up interesting points about quotability and affability in the discussion as well. If anything Schilling's career followed an even less predictable path than Bonds', as Bonds was great (all time type of great) before he was older whereas Schilling never really put it together until he was older.
  3. I really feel like Joe Sheehan gets it when it comes to steroids: That being said, he thinks he's a hall of famer, but as usual he does a great job of pinpointing some of the inherent hypocrisy in the steroid era. Note, he's not accusing Schilling of using.
  4. Prior used his lower body, sure, and he was so big that of course it looked effortless, but there were some pretty serious hitches in the rotation of his shoulder relative to his hips. But more important than anything will be to get him to a team that understands how to develop young pitchers.
  5. The person who popularized the notion that Prior had "perfect" mechanics was in fact his own personal pitching coach.
  6. This is a terrific idea. Also: AM BT ST YHF AGIB SBS is a must.
  7. http://www.chrisoleary.com/projects/Baseba...nStrasburg.html This guy doesn't like his mechanics.
  8. Yeah, it looks like it gets a little jump midway to the plate. Looking at his numbers, he's got fantastic control as well. I'm not an expert on pitching mechanics but I think I know good from bad, and he doesn't look like he's got any red flags. And the Marlins stadium has been approved by everyone it needs to be approved by. As far as I know, this is it. It's happening. Yay.
  9. I was about to say he didn't look that impressive because he was just blowing guys away with the fastball at first, and a lot of guys can do that in college, but once I saw that slider I actually said "wow". That's a ridiculous pitch. I don't see how anyone could hit that. Honestly, I just can't see it. He could probably throw that every single time and it would still catch guys off guard. That's one of the single most devastating pitches I've ever seen. It looks like it breaks a foot down and to the left.
  10. His career compares very favorably with Kevin Brown, who I don't think gets in. I think the postseason record + bloody sock/Sox gets Schilling in.
  11. From June 1 on he was seriously one of the top 5 pitchers in baseball. He said his goal for this season is to walk only 25 batters. From June 1 he pitched 152 innings and walked just 20 batters while walking 148. That's absurdity right there. If he's healthy the Marlins will probably have a 1-3 in the rotation as good or better than anyone in baseball. So USA lost to Japan last night and we've got ourselves an all Asian final as Japan and Korea face off. I'm sure there will be much made about the asian "style" of baseball being better, but I really think it's a mixture of a couple of thing,
  12. That was great, thanks Jorge. Very interesting. Morgan might be one of the dozen or so best players in the game's history. I'm a big fan of him as a player, despite his shortcomings as an announcer. Marlins no hit the Tigers today in ST with Ricky Nolasco working 7 innings. If he pitches this season like he did last year from June 1 on, he'll be one of the best pitchers in baseball. Interesting stat that I read regarding ST no-nos: The Mets have no regular season no hitters, but they have one Spring Training no hitter; Gary Kroll and Gordy Richardson combined for a no hitter over the
  13. I don't get it, but yes. A thousand times yes.
  14. I still don't get it. Unless he's saying he doesn't like the thread. But I still don't get it.
  15. I still don't get the Vampire Weekend quip.
  16. "Is our children learning" = making fun of the special olympics. I guess.
  17. That story (and that game) are why the world baseball classic needs to succeed. That's great, as was the celebration the team had after the game. That was so awesome to see.
  18. I'm so upset I didn't get to watch tonight...
  19. Unfortunately not, as I'm in savannah visiting my sister. I might not even be able to watch the game, because nobody I'm with wants to.
  20. Bee tee dubs, ya'll. Don't fall for the hype with WKU, they aren't very good this year. Don't let last year's run fool you, they might be one and done.
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