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Everything posted by kidsmoke

  1. Froggie, you gave that review with such glee and excitement, it was the next best thing to being there myself! Sounds like a rowdy good time was had by all the pirates, Aussies & Americans both.
  2. That seemed very strange and sad to me as well. I'm sure questions are being asked on that score.
  3. I really like the new one, "Strangelet". Some great stuff on there. Saw GLP the other day when I saw Robyn Hitchcock. GLP joined them onstage for a bit. Evonne, will you be at his Troubadour show on the 27th? Patrick Park opens, too!
  4. ex king john, what a terrific recording! I felt like I was there. The pirate "aarggghhhhs" in Kingpin had us all giggling uncontrollably. Does anyone have photos to share? If so, I'll put together some cover art for this. Full credit to the photographer, of course.
  5. But of course. And to restate what I've said all along, I personally find SBS brilliant and soul stirring. It feels to me like music that has always existed & was just waiting to be plucked from the ether of the universe. Does that make any sense? Probably not, but then when has anyone ever really been able to describe music in words that captured the feeling?
  6. Of course it's your call whether or not you spend time here at VC, but to slander an entire group due to some disagreement you have with a few is just silly. There are many here who see things as you do, and many who don't. So what? I guess I'm just saying that, as a community, I find Wilco's fans to be some of the most interesting, genuine, and open people I've ever met. I'm sure Jeff finds some of us to be total knuckleheads (show of hands, everyone who recognizes themselves? ) but we are good people, lovely knuckleheads, and I'm sure the band loves us even when we are our imperfect fan s
  7. All my sympathies, Eric. What a sad ending. At least those who love him finally have closure, but how sad.
  8. That was a great little video of "Hate It Here"! Thanks so much for sharing it. Now I'm really craving a Wilco concert. Argh, to quote you buncha Aussie pirates. Wendy, that was a fine job of merging you did, although you left a bit of paint on the left guardrail there......oh, and a bit on the right side, too......but small matter, all the threads got to their destination. Now if you really want to earn some housekeeping points, do up the dishes in the moderators' break room, wouldja?
  9. It's me. Tongue-Tied is the appropriate forum for any specific topic that is general and non-Wilco or music related. It's not only the food and drink topics I'm moving, but anything non-random. If it has a subject that is being followed, that's non-random. "Favorite Breeds of Dog", for example, is a specific topic, as would be something like "Vibes for my Hospitalized Auntie". The random forum is designed for random topics, which means replies to a topic are intentionally random & may not have anything to do with the topic title. Lately the Random forum is being used frequently for topic
  10. isadorah, if you send the cover art to Rob at wilcobase.com, he'll put it up with the other cover art & everyone will be able to access it. And to Rob, for all he does for the Wilco fan community, and I might also make cover art with that magnificent "facial gymnastics" photo, plus another of Morgan's great photos, if she is ok with me doing that. If I do, I'll offer that up at WilcoBase too. Morgan, of course I'd list you as the photo credit, you talented photog you.
  11. Quite possibly my favorite line on the entire album. Cannot play this in my car without making everyone else in the car shut up as that line approaches, so that I can howl along with it like a twice-laminated cat.
  12. A beautiful name, a beautiful baby! Congratulations!
  13. Oh, ok. The recipe I saw must've been one based on the noodles, then. You're making me hungry. Very hungry. I'll have to find some bhan pho and steal your recipe. I love anything with lime! Here's what I made the other day, a raspberry trifle with almonds and toasted coconut on top. It's fabulous. Please do! This sounds great.
  14. This sounds wonderfully springtimey! Is the bhan pho difficult? The recipe I looked up looked like a real pain in the butt.
  15. I'm pretty good about getting up when I should, normally.....unless I'm really zonked. Then I can hit the snooze button endlessly & never even know I have. I dream deeply. But the real problem in our house is my 16-yr-old son Brennan. This is a kid you need dynamite to awaken, and he's been this way his whole life. I finally bought him a really cool present last Christmas, though I think his parents appreciate it more than perhaps he does.....it's an alarm shaped like a hand grenade that you pull the pin on, and then toss into bed with the recalcitrant sleeper. In about 10 seconds it beg
  16. Maxtheadorable, you have just made my Easter Sunday a day of ham, jellybeans, and elated w00t-iness! The ham and jellybeans were already here, but the was provided by your mention of this poster. Damn, I really am going to have to get a house with more wallspace to accommodate all these beautiful works of art! Thank you, thank you, I'm thrilled! Remind me later; I have something to pass along to you as well! Johnny, Chris, it makes me very happy to know you're still wearing your bracelets from LR3....every time I see mine, it reminds me of what a great night that was, and what
  17. I vote we get Johnny Lackey to design the art for side 4.
  18. Nicely put. thanks for discussing this rationally, instead of with hotheaded putdowns as can so easily happen. Nice to see a differing point of view treated respectfully.
  19. You know, I'll bet it was Love and Mercy, because last night as I wrote that letter, I had that song inexplicably stuck in my head. So I guess on some level, my brain recognized it. Excellent choices!
  20. Oh for pete's sake!!!! I just now realized that the music-blasting-background-but-nobody-on-the-phone last night wasn't our utterly annoying, space-cadet 14-yr-old neighbor girl, who often seems puzzled over simple things like how to operate a phone.....it was you!!!! I was on the phone saying, "Hello? Hello? I can hear you, can you hear me?" and thinking to myself, "Good Lord, Celene (neighbor girl), I am really too busy for this tonight...." ....I had been in the middle of trying to compose a very difficult letter to a dear friend so my mind was elsewhere! It would have been som
  21. Ahhh, the jealousy knows no bounds, but reading it here and experiencing it through all of your eyes (and cameras, very cool, Morgan! ) is definitely the next best thing. Thank you for every description and happy moment shared. In my mind's eye, I was there. Johnny, your poster turned out to be a masterwork. I want to climb right into it and relax in that fantastic treehouse. It's wonderful.
  22. Ah, jealousy, jealousy! Tell me more! I taught years ago at a Montessori school.....a great school to support. Jeff & Sue are so smart to send their boys this way.
  23. I absolutely love the energetic grasp of the glories of life that a two-year-old has. We would all do well to be able to remember what that sense of discovery feels like! Enjoy it, Lynn.
  24. I love Walken, but I guess I'm just tired of it since it's been around quite awhile as a live song. Still sounds good, though.
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