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Everything posted by kidsmoke

  1. No, that was me. My local mall is lousy! You should've said hi. And Paul, you missed a great show!
  2. I'm feeling pissy, can I use this thread, gogo? Or do I need to go find a bush out back? Oh ok, I'll behave. *sigh* But where's the fun in that? PS - I understand it was exactly this sort of bickering that broke up Uncle Tupelo.
  3. Are you making fun of Jeff's ears or something, Chris? Because the man has lovely, long pink ears. Don't be rude. My avatar actually dates back to a time when the entire band had similar ears. I'd post it but with the personnel changes over the years, it is no longer representative.
  4. Wishing the very happiest of birthdays to the lovely Leo! Here, I've been slaving in the kitchen all day over this cake for you. Enjoy! It's almost as sweet as you are, Leo. (I nibbled a bit from the back....I knew you wouldn't mind.)
  5. I just saw Ian Hunter about two weeks ago, opening in L.A. for the Zombies. He was terrific! The new songs sound very good. I did notice, though, when he sang "I Wish I was Your Mother", that I found myself wanting to hear Jeff's version instead. Got a handshake and an autograph after the show. That was cool.
  6. .....Jeff sings, "filing into tight lines" in You Are My Face? I can't help but think of Blitzkreig Bop when he sings that..... They're forming in a straight line They're going through a tight wind The kids are losing their minds The Blitzkrieg Bop Welcome to the inner workings of the kidsmoke brain, land of farfetched connections and odd associations. And this is just the tip of the iceberg!
  7. Into "Health Food", are we?
  8. Dearest Whitty, Made this the other night, it was fabulous.
  9. I wanted to thank you all for being so complimentary and supportive. It's meant a lot to Tom that you have celebrated with him. Don't let him give his tired old Ma too much credit....this was due to his own hard work. Mom was usually the one in the background saying, "Hey Tom, could you take a break from studying and hang up this laundry/put away the dry dishes/turn on the sprinkler on the front lawn/tell your sister that if she doesn't stop jumping on the couch and singing at the top of her lungs while holding the poor cat in a death grip, I'm going to wring her neck?" Which is to say, To
  10. Plus I set my camera's antifloofyhair setting before the party. I figured with this bunch of bozos partygoers, it might be a good idea.
  11. I think you're basically right, but don't particularly care I guess. I'm a sucker for stuff that makes me happy. Perhaps a long empty bit before the song would make it less jarring? Edie, or should I say Raquel, I don't know....so far I see this as pretty much unfounded rumor.
  12. I'm cool with it....that song makes me happy. Jeff played it once at a soundcheck, for my daughter, and we sang lustily along. Happy memories.
  13. "Just a Kid" is the 13th track?
  14. I would bet it turns up over there, but if not, you should feel free to ask me for help in getting it. Once it is available, that is.
  15. When our dear m.chris responds and says "It's holding a teacup", the proper response is, "That's not what we called it in my day!"
  16. GO DAVE GO! And get a recording so that those of us way out here on the left coast can hear you, too!
  17. Two is such a grand & uninhibited age!
  18. Happy birthday! Let's have cake, shall we? Have a great day & a great year!
  19. I'm pretty sure English is not this poster's native language. I believe he meant to say that Sky Blue Sky is an album that will last. I agree. Probably beyond our lifetimes. Good call, joshsirjoshules!
  20. See, this is how it begins. Look at the girl's post count!
  21. I too love Eef. Amaranthine, I can send you some Clem Snide if you like. Llynn, I wish we had gotten to meet at that infamous Springfield show. We seem to share similar tastes, as I've noticed from some of your other posts. Do you like Mountain Goats? Admittedly his voice isn't for everyone, but I love his lyrics, and I'm hooked on "Get Lonely".
  22. So my 20-yr-old, Tom, has been working like a dog at both a job and a grueling academic schedule, with a neuroscience major. His classes this quarter were psychology, statistics, Biology, and Organic Chemistry. The Bio has a separate 3-hr. lab each week, and the Chem has a separate 4-hr. lab each week. Between these classes and his job, Tom has spent the quarter (UC's are on the quarter system....moves fast! ) pretty stressed and always somewhat sleep deprived. Poor kiddo. Anyway, finals were this week, and although he had pulled some very respectable midterm grades, he was still really wor
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