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Everything posted by kidsmoke

  1. In the immortal words of Sunny Baudelaire, "Words fail me."
  2. So last night I had a touch of insomnia, and as I tried to find the road to peaceful sleep, this question occurred to me: what position do you people usually sleep in? The reason I ask is because if you all will submit replies, then I (and you as well!) will be able to take this information and turn it into clever bits of cocktail hour small talk: "Did you know that most Wilco fans sleep on their backs, in the manner of the royal Egyptians?", or perhaps, "It's intriguing how fans of formerly alt-country musical performers tend to side-sleep, don't you think?" Who, really, ever has enough s
  3. I'm loving all these weird and wonderful shots.....y'all have good photographic eyes and a knack for composition. Also that looks like one very happy puppy dog there, Muller! Yours? Essex looks very pretty.
  4. You got some lovely shots, Clay! Great expressions....you captured the mood!
  5. Thanks....I always enjoy a bit of "being there" Not "Being There" the album, but...oh, you get what I mean! Even this brief clip gives a sense of the audience! Morning Grumpy!!! Sounded like you had plenty of flakes at the show last night.
  6. Thanks for the review, Clay, but yikes! I guess you just have to take away the good & shed the bad.
  7. I read that too, for the same reason! You'll love it. Spooky little book.
  8. Very nice! I really enjoyed that. Thanks for sharing!
  9. I could have sworn I posted birthday wishes here yesterday....I thought them, anyway. But I must've gotten interrupted & then closed VC so my kid could start working on his science project which is due, like, tomorrow.... (Yesterday Brennan said to me, "Mom, what kind of fuel do we have around here? I need to burn some stuff." ) Anyway, my dear catfish, here are my best belated wishes, and the cake I should've posted for your virtual consumption yesterday! I'm sorry, I couldn't find any catfish cakes. But I did find this wonderful story for your birthday enjoyment. Poor terrified
  10. You crack me up, Tim. Hugs to you and Heather. Stay warm!
  11. I'm a huge Anne LaMott fan. New mothers should absolutely read "Operating Instructions", and I highly recommend all of her books. For spiritual rejuvenation, read either (or both) "Traveling Mercies" and/or "Plan B".....both are beautiful & non-judgemental explorations of trying to live life with a sense of purpose and meaning. She makes me laugh so hard in recognition of how silly and flawed we are as humans, and yet goodness is a thing so worth striving for, even if we fall really short, so very often. Her books give me hope and make me content to be a clumsy, struggling human being.
  12. That's fascinating! I'm always amazed at the things I learn on this board. Thanks for sharing, Bob.
  13. Yow, can you imagine what must've gone through that driver's head as he heard the cracking sounds and felt the vehicle shifting? I wonder how long he sat there before someone plucked him from his cab & took him to solid ground! Must've been interesting getting the rig back to land, too.
  14. I always suspected that the landscape of your soul had a certain Dr. Seuss quality to it.
  15. I know! And now I can't stop thinking how much I need to defrost my big freezer. But even it doesn't look this bad!
  16. What a happy life that must have been, to be able to bring happiness to so many other people! Who knows what differences he made, in so many lives. Heaven must have swung the gates wide to welcome him.
  17. Happy Birthday, Daniel. You're one of the charms which first drew me to Via Chicago.
  18. This is what cold really looks like. It'll take a moment to load, but these pictures are amazing....like something out of Dr. Seuss! You have to click to advance from picture to picture. Wow. Honey, get the hairdryer....and a chisel....
  19. I can only echo what others have already said, Charles. Your talents amaze me. Your photos have captured Jeff, personality and all. The African shots are breathtaking! Thanks so much for sharing these.
  20. Well, hell's bells, in the interest of keeping that New Year's resolution about telling the unvarnished truth and not embellishing things because they are more fun that way...... ......There was no plying anyone with alcohol done by the lovely miz Dunja. She did try to lure him into her candy and gingerbread house in the forest, using a cherry lollipop dragged along on a string..... Ok that was just a varnished lie.
  21. I just heard about the huge avalance 60 miles west of Denver, and you guys are on my mind. Please, stay safe in these crazy blizzard conditions. We love ya.
  22. UNCA MART!!! Can it possibly be that you are extolling the pleasures of the hops and the grape to my impressionable young son??? Why you naughty uncle! Although it's probably too late already, after Dunja plied him with champagne at her wedding in September.....plus he may have tasted other forbidden fruit, due to the lower English drinking age....(see photo).... Well, I guess as long as he understands the moderation thing.........and doesn't go out and drive like a Cornish taxi driver........ My dear sweet boys, let me just say, as your birthdays wrap up, you are both a joy to me,
  23. Tualla dearest, thank you so much for including the album covers like you've done with the last two! Nice touch; I hope you start a trend.
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