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John Smith

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Everything posted by John Smith

  1. Dark Lord day tickets are $200 this year. Im wrestling with my desire to go vs the cost.
  2. There is a Ravinia event this year called "Jerry Garcia Symphonic Crlebration featuring Warren Haynes" looks like it might be the CSO with Warren Haynes.
  3. I think Trump is focused on winning a dis doing and saying what he thinks will get him the victory. That's why he can make outrageous statements like building a wal and having Mexico pay for it, or banning Muslims etc... That's what plays to the base these days. Once the general election is underway I think he will tack to the center. That being said, I still think he is a dangerous candidate. Of course I thought Bush was a bad and dangerous candidate and he got elected 2x.
  4. Currently reading Jim Greer's GBV book. SO far its interesting.
  5. Republicans held both houses and the presidency when Taft was nominated.
  6. I never thought Jeb was very enthusiastic about running. It seems like maybe he ran because that's what you do when you are a bush.
  7. Accused serial rapist, this is still America, I think.
  8. How can they be so thoroughly diabolical as to be able to get away with so much leaving no clues behind yet they left the pillow on his head. Obama is slipping.
  9. Not a comment on the argument, just cutting and pasting the pertinent part of the constitution... Article II, Section 2 He shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States, whose Appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by Law:
  10. And, did Alito make it to the senate for a vote? Or did the whole Democrat party say no way no how never ever will a Bush nominee get confirmed? Pointing out little things like this is a purely partisan exercise. The point is that Bush's nominees got their vote and were confirmed. Any actual nominees were not shot down by the democrats before they ever got nominated. Though in the long run the senate may do their job but i doubt it. BTW Obama was not president when Alito was nominated. I don't think Obama would nominate Alito, then veto him, which is not something a president does. Actu
  11. and...did Schumers words actually lad to action? Or were they words dealing with a hypothetical situation that never arose? By the same token McConnell in the past has frequently spoken about nominees getting an up and down vote. So is McConnell going to be a man who honors his own convictions and allow at least that to happen? or will they stall and kill any and all nominees in committee? Judging by how they have steadfastly refused to fill vacancies in the judicial up to this point in time, I would guess that the answer is no nominee will get out of committee. See you can play this he sa
  12. 17 times a Supreme Court justice was confirmed during a presidents final year. You have chosen to qualify this by putting in the condition of opposite party blah Blau blah. The current r leadership is saying no way no how no matter who. They are not saying anything about them having a majority and that being the condition, they are saying no no matter who it is. Quantifying this in terms of presidents and opposing parties to illustrate rarity is partisan politics.
  13. I was no fan of Scaia, ROberts, Alito, but feel that they were qualified candidates deserving of congressional deference, and they all got it. Of the three my reservations were strongest with ALito because of an answer he gave where he seemed to dismiss the notion of Stare Decisis (sp?), which I view as the foundation of common law (not the bible)
  14. Yeppers. Unfortunately the Republicans have no choice but to say that they oppose anything Obama proposes, even when he has not proposed it yet. Otherwise the "base" will rise against any of the traitors. And yes, I have heard people call republicans who have voted for any legislation passed in the past few years traitors. If they had been even the least bit smart about it they would have publicly talked about the legacy of Scalia while also talking about their responsibilities under the constitution while welcoming the opportunity to have hearings on the presidents nominee. The block an
  15. I wasnt a Dylan fan back then, but when SL came out i remember the critics have more problems with it than his fans did. Or st least the fans I knew.
  16. Its extremely sad that they are already saying that they will block any nominee before ever hearing a word about who that nominee might be. It would be one thing if there was a formal nomination, like Robert Bork, Clarence Thomas etc... Pure politics, pure spite. But it plays well with their base.
  17. Halftime show is over and I had previously heard only one of the songs played by Coldplay. I think that is a god thing though.
  18. I dont care enough about the game today. Probably watch some, probably switch to Downton Abbey for my wife.
  19. He clearly had his hands in the air then reaches into his jacket before being shot. This is after a high speed chase where he crashed trying to avoid a road block. I can see both stories here with his hands up initially...after charging the FBI guys as he gets out of the car fairly quickly and moves in the direction of law enforcement before raising his hands. Also last night I heard that there was one hold out, this morning I hear that there are four. So information is incomplete right now.
  20. Now all but one of the terrorists have surrendered. The one guy is a die hard. We'll see how long he makes it by himself.
  21. I hope his motivation was to help the kids rather than getting $$. Unfortunately he got caught up in some wacky philosophies about government and it cost him dearly. Regardless his wife is now a widow and has I believe 11 kids there now. The others are still holed up and calling for reinforcements while still vowing to not be taken alive.
  22. Shoot out in Oregon. Man under the tarp is dead and one other wounded. Bundy is in custody, though I'm not sure if the issue is resolved yet as all of this happened during a traffic stop. Or at least as far as I know that's what has happened.
  23. right now illinois has Rauner. So far not good, not good at all.
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