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John Smith

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Everything posted by John Smith

  1. He didn't need the bloody sox for us to know that. Bullshit, both leagues today are primarily homer leagues. Live and die by the long ball. Sure teams manufacture runs now and then, but bludgeoning the other team is the weapon of choice. Look at the 2005 sox, they got talked about for Ozzie ball, playing small ball etc...yet how many homers did they bash out that year? Defensively there is no difference both leagues try to have the starters pitch 6 - 7 innings, middle relief then the closer. National league ball is no more smart or traditionally played than American league ball.
  2. Jim Rice causes quite the conundrum for me. I easily see what a great hitter he was, but was he a dominant player? To me if Rice is in the Dawson, Parker, Mattingly maybe Dale Murphy and a couple others (Albert Belle?) who were all similar type players, granted some had more power than others, but still they were good players, who hit for average and power who to my mind just fall short, but now since rice has made it, it is difficult to argue that some of those other guys should not be in. On the pitchers side, Blyleven, Kaat and Tommy John all won a sh*t load of games over very long car
  3. I was simply using the multi position all-star appearances as support for my original answer to the notion that Rose was not a great athlete. He was a great athlete and that allowed him to perform at a high level at multiple positions. Generally though a not so great player my make one or two all star games, not 17. I will stand by my position that popular players tend to be good players. They may not be the best every year, but year in and year out when you make multiple all star teams it is usually not for no reason. Regardless I don’t disagree that some of Rose stats were due to long
  4. I don't disagree that popularity plays into the voting and have always felt that there are a number of players who make it based on past reputations and that some teams do encourage fans to stuff the ballot box etc... But generally popular players are also good players. Not too many "Don Mossi's" are very popular because they are not very good. Then there are the coaches decisions on who to add, tha is where the overlooked deserving players should get their shots. Unfortunately the league has their at least one member per team rule and in some years a team may have zero all star calibur
  5. Within his own team Rose did not have the speed of a Morgan or Concepcion but was as good a base runner as anyone on the team. His throwing arm could not match Geronimo’s nor was his range in the outfield, but he had a decent arm and good range. His power was not home run power like Foster or Bench, but he had Double power and was able to hit the occasional homer. In the long run he was able to play all three outfield positions at an all-star level as well as third and first. He started at second and I believe he played short too. Each position requires a slightly different set of skills
  6. He's been retired for so long that a lot of younger people are not at all familiar with him. He was definately a powerhouse when in his prime.
  7. While I agree with the second two statements I have to vehemently disagree with the first one. Rose was as good of an athlete as there was during his era. You don’t play 7 of 9 positions at an all-star level throughout your career because you hustle and have more heart than the next guy, you do it because you are a great athlete. Yes Rose hustled, but in comparison to the players of his day he was a good athlete. Was he as good a pure athlete as Al Oliver or Dave Winfield? Probably not. But he was well above the average.
  8. This is not obscure, but I love it that for the Warren Zevon tour that gave us “Stand in the Fire” he used a Warren Zevon cover band as his band. This is a little more obscure, but not so much. Toni Basil of “Hey Mickey” fame makes a nude appearance in Easy rider during their time in New Orleans. She is one of the girls they take to the cemetary.
  9. The three sisters from Mythology who are generally portrayed as hags and shared one eyeball? The Graie, sisters of the Gorgons.
  10. Meg is definately not a looker. In that picture her face looks as though she could be arguing over an eyeball with her sisters.
  11. Part of the argument is that he knew the rules, the other part is that he knew the punishment and did what he did regardless of what he knew. If the punishment is not enforced then what good are the rules in the first place? Sure some less than reputable players are in the hall, Heck Ty Cobb by himself nearly renders any character arguments moot. However he is in, he was not found to be in violation of the one rule to get a player the banishment (though it in hindsight he may have gambled on the game and used his friendship with Landis to stay out of trouble). Others, like Perry, broke min
  12. Some rules are bigger than others. Since the 1919 scandal all players have known the consequences of betting on baseball, their team or not. Sure some guys may have gotten away with it (Cobb comes to mind) but permanently being banned is the known punishment. Rose is a double douchebag because for years he insisted that he was railroaded, then he only bet on other teams, then, well, even in his apology years after the fact he was less than apologetic. Regardless though, apology or not the punishmment is being banned for life because gambling almost brought the sport to it's knees. Some
  13. The NL Dominated in the 1950's also. Screw rose, he knew the rules, thought they didn't apply to him and still wants to live above them.
  14. First off, can we stop calling him MJ? MJ to me is and always will be Michael Jordan. Michael Jackson is Michael Jackson or Jacko, but never MJ. 30th anniversary of Disco Demolition was just the other day. I know the Sox had to forfeit the second game, but at least it got those hideous uniforms off the field. Seconded. I started listening to him when he was on WDAI way back in the begining of his Chicago stint.
  15. I watched Alberts first round and thought that the anouncers emphasized the distance of his homers way too much. To my eyes these things were generally falling six - 10 rows back, and of course one was caught annd pulled over the wall.
  16. After seeing the full video I believe there is more to it than him staring down the girl. Though I actually prefer that my president does take a look at that a$$ passing him. Had he not looked, I would have wondered what was wrong with him.
  17. There is no REM vs Wilco, they exist mutually exclusive of one another.
  18. Exactly. I'm interested in the answer...
  19. It's her fault the new Star Wars movies sucked so she was forced out of office.
  20. Does that mean Steven Hawking is hotter than Mel Gibson? Ladies...
  21. At least he's not murdering flys anymore.
  22. Umm, Levi is still the butt of jokes. He get s little press for putting forth his view. Regardless of it's validity he is still/or at least was close to the center of the Pain universe and in our tabloid culture his words will get heard digested and analyized. But he is still a tool of major proportions. He is the Kfed of the Palin world.
  23. I don't think the whole family wanted her out there. I think they were divided. If it were my funeral or my wifes and my kid wanted to speak, I believe the surviving spouse would allow the kid to speak. However I'm not Michael jackson and my funeral will not be held in a basketball arena with thousands in attendance and all those stars perfoming. My initial reaction was that the family did nto want her out there because it was a show, now I think the one's who did nto want her out there were trying to protect her. Though both thoughts are purely speculative.
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