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John Smith

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Everything posted by John Smith

  1. I thought Jim and Pam were going to Ohio to get married?
  2. [quote name='Crow Daddy Magnus
  3. John Smith = Generic and anonymous.
  4. OK I don't agree but lets say all this is true and the bankers/secret organizations are going to do this. It sounds like they are doing it and going to do it regardless of the actiosn of world governments/people. So what difference does it make whether everyone knows of the conspiracy or not? What actions can people take to stave off the implementation of the Amero or to lessen the effects? All this doom and gloom makes me think that no matter how much warning you toss out there it just doesn't matter.
  5. I can google all of the stuff from the DaVinci code and put together a reasonable argument for it being true. i can goole Nostrodamus and put forth a reasonable argument for his stuff being actual future sight. I can google 911 conspiracies and put together an argument suppporting any one of the various theories out there. But that does not make any of these true just because I can put forth an argument for it.
  6. Ok so, banks need to be able to transact. They need to be able to move money back and forth. They have to be able to maintain records etc
  7. So when this big change is about to occur, why not switch your $$ to Yuan , Yen, Singapore Dollars, Illuminati ducets? OK on a world-wide basis all currencies are worth more or less than other currencies relative to each other, regardless though at any given moment in time they all have a relative value to each other that is measurable. Right now one dollar is about equal to .73 euro. If everything translated to euro your $100 401k would now be worth $73 euro/ But the purchasing power of that 73 euro would still be the same as the purchasing power of the $100. Everything is relative yo
  8. I think you and I will be a distant memory by the time this happens.
  9. We can secure it viw military actions right now, but for how long? Where I live it is a combination of him being black (a major factor as I have heard the word ni66er more in the last year than I had in the past 20) but being democrat is a biggie for the hard core right wing. They not only hate Obama and everything he does and stands for, but they hate Kennedy, Durbin, Reid, Pelosi any time democrats are talked about it is with venom. Hate is a pretty strong word but I think it may be mild down here in rural central Illinois.
  10. If this is truly the case then why is there so much hatred from republicans for nearly every action he undertakes? In the Bush term I never once heard anyone talk about wishing Bush dead either buy chance, or a purposeful act, not once, but I hear daily people joking about Obama
  11. OK I was not there, and I have never frequented this place, hell I never heard of it till the other day, so i have no clue about their service...But what if the person taking the order asked how would you like that cooked? You have no idea what the actual words were do you? regardless, you just order the freaking burger and never ever ever ask for anything other than standard. No extra pickles? Extra catsup? No catsup, no lettuce? etc... you always just order the freaking burger no questions asked?
  12. No he is seeing the same guy, just viewing him throuh a different lens. We all do.
  13. That is BS. Bush over and over throughout his first term at least used to stop at places on the road and it would just be reported on what he ordered. Ocassionally they pointed out that he either did not pay or had an aide pay, but I never once heard one person mock what he ordered.
  14. I instantly thought Bob Vance was having an affair as soon as I saw the secretary. I think it will happen and Dwight will somehow end up with or try to date Phyllis. Kevin and Meredith was just nauseatingly funny. edit: my bad, a co-worker said that it was not Meredith making out with Kevin. My wife and I both thought it was.
  15. I was in champaign saturday and should have gone to the show. Instead I ended up goig home and watching a not so good movie with my wife.
  16. And to put it simply isn't a guitarist the sum of all his parts and how he uses them? Right hand, left hand, instrument, amps effects thier education, experience and their mind?
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