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John Smith

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Everything posted by John Smith

  1. This would be creepy since I don't own a cat.
  2. I'm surprised no one has come up with this one yet. But it's on many many songs and is a classic... Yeahhhhhhh (usually followed by a power chord or heavy handed drum beat.)
  3. Don't take this as a negative comment, because it is not, But I think this song could have fit on Jay Bennett's Palace @2am album...which I happen to like.
  4. I generally don't distiguish between GFI & II. I look at them as one long two part movie, much like the Lord Of the Rings. My all-time favorite movie without question...must be a guy thing because my wife is not partial to the GF movies at all. GFIII? A totally different beast. To me the first scene of the Lake Tahoe compound in ruins is the best scene in the movie. The story is too far fetched and convoluted and it has way too many improbable scenes for me to consider it in the same category as the other two. It was made more to maike money than it was to tell a story. As to c
  5. Throughout history people have been disrespectful toward the president's and ex-president's that they didn't approve of (See Carter, James and Clinton, William for example). It is the way of American politics. Hey Hey Good Bye is jsut a carrying on of the tradition. I think they had a whole raft of presidenntial orders drawn up and ready to go. I know Bush did and Clinton did. As the buzz from the days parties dies down we will get some reporting on these. Things like the no mentioning abortion in order to receive federal funding. Clinton overturned Bush/Reagan presidential orders
  6. 11 months and two weeks younger than me.
  7. Robert Byrd was taken out of the same luncheon in a wheel chair after having problems.
  8. Did Stevie Wonder really need Usher and Shakira to help him out on Superstition?
  9. I just saw this and got it this weekend. So far I like it. Shorter more to the point songs, no real epics here.
  10. Heartbreak Ridge is awful unwatchable for me. It seemed to be made strickly as a money maker with little else going for it.
  11. Doesn't everyone essentially have their own HOF...their favorite bands. Who is in or out will not change who I like or who I listen to, though sometimes it would be nice for the recognition to flow to those who truely deserved it yet did not get the recognition from the public at large. Kiss woudl be a tough one. The original four yes, Eric Carr certainly. Bruce Kulick? Tommy Thayer? The other drummer whose name escapes me? I would bet Gene's ego would only allow him and Paul on stage for the acceptance and they woudl perform with whomever is filling the rolls of Ace and Peter at the tim
  12. I don't think they are worthy either, but to accurately represent the 1980's unfortunately they have to be considered. How about: Tommy Bolin? Joe Walsh? Ritchie Blackmore? Rry Gallagher? Scorpions? Dire Striats? Alejandro Escovedo? Los Lobos? BTW Motorhead would be a great choice.
  13. I agree that those bands (Journey. REO Kansas types...) probably should not be in but was just pointing out that they really are an indellible part of rock music history. If you let bands in based on those criteria then when you serioulsy get into the 1980's there is a whole slew of bands nobody wants to see in that will be hard to keep out. Ratt, Poison, Def Lepard, Rick Astley, Paula Abdul etc... So many bad roads to go down. Kind of like saying now that Jim Rice is in the BB Hall of Fame people Like Andre Dawson, Tim Raines and ROn Santo should be shoe-ins even though they are not real
  14. Jeff Beck has been a non-entity in my life. Sure he can play, sure people love him, but he really has not factored noticably in what I listen to. There are a shiteload of bands that people think should be in and I waffle on them for one reason or another. And regardless of whether you like them or not, a lot of the 1970
  15. I saw them about ten years ago and they opend with JJF and when the opening chord struck the lights went up, Keith strutted etc... it was one of the most exciting moments I've ever been privledged to see in a concert.
  16. Nah, not Bush, this one's omn dirty dick. The Geese knew he was in their flight path going south so they were lingering in NYC till Jan 21st before they migrated.
  17. I wonder about these. they are all stories I was hearing years and years ago, pre-internets.
  18. Redone ans reaffirmed 117 - 1. The lone vote against was from his sister in law.
  19. http://www.cnn.com/2009/SHOWBIZ/Music/01/1...irpt/index.html No albums reallychanged my life, but maybe I shoudl have let them. Among the albums to have an influence on me are: Born to Run - the images that pop out of this album are still vivid thrity years and four copies later. The sound track to the movie "Times Square" It opened up a whole new palette of sounds and styles to me at the time. Still have it on vinyl. Replacements - Tim Introduced me to my favorite band and songwriter.
  20. Steely Dan - Do it Again. Love the intro to that one.
  21. I can easily see how someone would misshis name. If they get into the "theme" of th song rather than the details. I hear details today in songs that years ago I had no clue were there because I was pickign up the mood/message of the song. It's how you hear it.
  22. Since the Doors are in another thread I'll add: Light my Fire & LA Woman
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