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John Smith

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Everything posted by John Smith

  1. I know but it seems like McCains camp by going on the offensive offensive had to know that Obama's people would bring out McCains past associations which are factual unsavory and tied in directly to his weakest policy area which happens to be peoples #1 concern these days - The economy. I think McCain may score some points but as he is scoring points (pretty much with his base only though) he is handing Obama ammunition to use to sway those middle ground voters. I also think they are ignoring Palin and the AIP in order to maintain focus on the top of the ticket. But is the Obama camp makes
  2. McCain & co are tactical idiots for trying to smear Obama by association knowing full well that McCains associaiton with the keating five is out there and part of the public record. What were they thinking?
  3. I think it is locational too. $25 - $30 will have you living on a level realtive to what $50 - $60k might get you in the chicago suburbs. On a side note those very harsh conservatives I know...some of them are not going to vote they are so disgusted with McCain AND Palin. Additionally re: the bail out. Within a few hours of it passing I was working on a project to determine the benfits that will accrue to my company if we do certain transactions. We are not a financial firm and have no interests in the bad mortgage industry. So there are going to be massive benefits to lots of compan
  4. I'm reading the castle in the forest by Mailer. Not bad so far.
  5. I do believe now that the standard Republicans adhere to these days is that the candidate is to be held accounatble for the utterances of people they know whether they are in that persons presence when they said it or not. Or has the standard changed since Palin has taken center stage?
  6. You win, that is so much worse than what has been occuring the past eight years, and so much worse than Palin saying that if Obama is elected we will have to tell our kids and grand kids of the old days when America was once free. No fear mongering there.
  7. Yes but if elected she will be a heartbeat away from making that a policy goal annd you know that is true. Zealots are zealots regardless of the will of others. Sullivan is a conservative true, as it Krauthammer and like everyone they are entitled ot heir opinions, but this paragraph is simply the kkrautmeister selling the narrative and Sullivan passing it along. No original thought there just cammpaign talking points. No but from what I have been told and Sarah hinted at it last night apparently the US will end if a democrat gets elected.
  8. I agree Republicans have had many years of uncontested rule and they did not attempt to over turn it. It makes me think back to my long held position that they have no intention of seeing it overturned, it's too good of a vote getter.
  9. SNL did a moderately funny skit featuring Obama and Hillary during the primaries and poked fun at the debates. It was OK. He
  10. I don't think McCain or Palin do, at elast they use the words incorrectly...surge = tactic not strategy.
  11. Turn your head and cough can be productive. i think in the last week or two McCain has re-asserted himself policy wise etc...but when it comes to high profile events she is the draw, she is the one selling the tickets to the show.
  12. It's looking more and more like that space they cleared ont he shelf for their world series trophy is going to stay bare for a little while longer.
  13. This seems to be more and more in doubt the more McCain and Palin Speak. But I still say the Republicans are runnign her as the main item on the ticket. Sure McCain gets top billing but it just seems like he is the Puppet Show to Palins Spinal Tap
  14. I'm still frightened of the prospect of her at the helm. Her comments about running the senate and the plain simple fact that she just seemd to repeat the same few answers over and over should give some indication of the depth of the water we might be diving into as a country. I learned something new and thanks. I had no clue.
  15. Love Sword in the Stone - The once and future king is a agreat book which features the SITS as the first of it's stories. Hand drawn of nothing? You get nothing then!
  16. Two things that made me chuckle. Biden calling the people of Bosnia Bosniacs Palin Calling Biden O'Biden. These things happend fairly close to each other in the first third of the debate. Also it seems to me that Palin and the punditry are setting up their next candidate for the next election...Patreaus.
  17. I'm not going to read through the last ten pages of infighting and what not but here is my take. Palin did much better here than she has done on her interviews. However...she was very repetetive and seemed to frequently give answers totally unrelated to the question like she had something she wanted to say and said it regardless of the question asked. I think the right wing cries of foul regarding Ifill as moderator worked as Ifill did not seem to ask any followup questions that I could discern. And the lack of follow up questions favord Palin especially when she gave answers that did n
  18. Do the rangers count as expansion since they were the Senators before they moved to TX? Of course the Senators were the New Senators after the old senators became the Twins.
  19. ALmost forgot one f my all-time favorites Bambi vs Godzilla. Do shorts count?
  20. It would be an interesting strategy, because if he defends himself or fires right back at her he will be considered a Bully by the right, and if he does nto fiire back he will be portrayed as weak.
  21. Of the movies on that list I have seen 38 and own 26. Way more than I would own of live action best of lists. I guess having kids make a difference. Anyhow if I were to winnow this list down to a top ten I would choose: 01. Toy Story 02. Shrek 03. Beauty and the Beast 04. Lady and the Tramp 05. Cinderella 06. Sleeping Beauty 07. The Iron Giant 08. Monsters, Inc. 09. Finding Nemo 10. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Honorable Mention & not on the list
  22. I know what you mean, when you toss in Iran Contra it's amazing that people would fall for that sort of thing where the Regan adminsitration might negotiate with unsavory characters.
  23. Hmm I guess after eight years of parsing and denying things being said exactly as quoted I've just become conditioned to takign each sentence iindividually and as written.
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