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John Smith

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Everything posted by John Smith

  1. Yep, that's about it. Oh wait Ritchie did go to a party once a dranka ton of beer in little tiny glasses, and he did have a girl come over once, not because she wanted to be with him, she came just to see TV. So sad. They aired part lst night and part this morning. i think you can find the full interview out there somewhere.
  2. Umm the 50's were, well 50 years ago, the rest of the country has moved on. Well this little bit has me convinced and all my doubts about Palin have melted away... COURIC: Well, explain to me why that enhances your foreign policy credentials? PALIN: Well, it certainly does because our next door neighbors are foreign countries. they're in the state that i am the executive of. And there in Russia -- COURIC: Have you ever been involved with any negotiations for example, with the Russians? PALIN: We have trade missions back and forth. We do -- it's very important when you consider even
  3. Its sad and strange that the reality is more of a parody than the actual parody. I feel like Pinto getting high for the very first time this is just too mind blowing.
  4. I have plenty of space on mine, so until I find myself in a crunch, I'll leave everything on it.
  5. Qualified or not Palin's positions are far too radical and far too similar to what we have had for the past eight years. I for one think that every time she speaks when it is not a stump speach she hurts her own credibility and the McCain campaign. This is not because of evil liberal reporters, this is her own near total lack of awareness on the issues and her campaigns stance and history on them. Before the '00 election I told my brother in law (Loves Palin by the way) that Bush was possibly the worst candidate put forth by a major party in a presidential election during my lifetime, I now
  6. You also won't find any conservatives criticizing Bush or standing idly by when Bush is taken to task. As to Palin? There is someone like her in the White House right now Actually two since position wise she is a hybrid of the worst of Bush and Dick. Her positions are so far out of the mainstream as to be over the horizon and unobservable to the middle.
  7. Correct, that was too easy. How about this one? Gentelmen are bred not born. They are trained to childhood and recieve manners from those who surround them and not from their blood...?" A point we can agree on. Since you offer nothing of substance only bitching whining and complaining with little substantive support the above statement is all I can agree with you on. By the way the polls simply indicate who they might vote for, they in no way indicate that people agree with McCains or Palins views. In reality the figure is much much lower.
  8. What wacked out liberal said the following... Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed... The cost of one modern heavy bomber is this: a modern brick school in more than 30 cities. It is two electric power plants, each serving a town of 60,000 population. It is two fine, fully equipped hospitals. It is some fifty miles of concrete pavement. We pay for a single fighter plane with a half million bushels of wheat. We pay for a single destroyer with new h
  9. Regardless of how anyone feels about Obama/Biden or McCain/Palin isnn't this just about the weirdest couple of days on the campaign trail that anyone has ever seen in a presidential campaign?
  10. How would this be different from what he has been doing for eight years?
  11. Palin actually took a few questions today. Here is one... JERSEY JOURNAL: What do you think of bailout package before congress? A: I don't support that until the provisions that Sen. McCain has offered are implemented in Paulson's proposals. Now if a follow up had been asked, such as "What provisions has Senator McCain offered" Would that have been the liberal press tryng to play gotcha politics? Or would it be a reasonable followup question? I'm guessing the answer to my question would depennd ont he answer to hers. My Guess right now since McCain has not yet been to Washington a
  12. As I understand it any attempt to get her to answer a question is simply an attempt to make her look bad? Got it. So I guess all interviews should be confined to hunting, hockey, notherhood and how terrible the democrats are. But if it really was an attempt to embarass her, and I am assuming they look at all interviews as being such, How on earth did she end up falling into that trap? What on earth will she do when a foreign leader draws her intoa similar trap?
  13. Got to get that But Clinton said... in there. That is so old school. Anyhow this is not about McCain not wanting to debate (though I seriously think he does not want to, I think his temper and his contradictary nature will be laid wide open regardless of the topic) This is more about getting next week's VP debate cancelled.
  14. From Websters: Main Entry: 3lie Function: verb Inflected Form(s): lied; ly
  15. Spin spin spin. If it was truly symbollic and he truly wants to work on the ecnomic crisis he would have not done Couric and would have cancelled this mornings speach in New York. He's in no hurry to really return to Washington. Also if he was truly interested in solving the crisis he would have actually read the reports from the president and congress sometime before yesterday. BTW it was by his own admission that we learned he had not been reading this stuff until yesterday.
  16. CNN & the others were granated access for 29 seconds when Palin met Karazai and then shuttled (shoved?) quickly out of the room. I believe the same thing occurred with each leader she met with. It may hhave been camera men only to with maybe one CNN producer allowed in. The implications were clear, the campaign wants photo's of her out there meeting with these people to bolster her foreign policy cred, but don't want anyone to hear what is discussed or have the opportunity to ask any question. So far since declaring this a national emergency needing his urgent and immediate attention
  17. I don't know if that is fair or not, though it does appear to be so. I woudl really love to hear their supporters unvarnished take on this and then compare it to the spin to see how it all matches up.
  18. I've been saying all along that they act as though they are runnign her for president. Is this their October surprise? "It's only september, but surprise we're not interested in running anymore" Really though has there been any real acceptabel logic on the Palin suspension angle?
  19. A treasury spokes person was asked about the $700 billion. He said that they didn't have any specific metric they were basing it on, but that they knew they needed a really big number. It that right there does not scream out that this plan is f&%#ed right from the begining, I don't know what will.
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