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John Smith

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Everything posted by John Smith

  1. You definately do not riise in the military wiithout either displaying some ability or without having proper mentors. Eisenhower had the mentors and the ability, Colin Powell had the mentors and was really intelligents, but never comanded large formations. McCain never comanded the large formations. There is a huge differennce between fleet admirals and rear admirals. Soemwhere in McCains service something happend along the way that mmade people say no not him, he should not command a fleet. Why? What? Is it his firey temperment? Was it the fooling around (Yes that will impair your mil
  2. I consider the McCain-Feingold act to be a failed piece of legislation. It does nto cover what it was intended to cover in the begining and both parties skirt it and have their work arounds so it may as well not even exist. Though the intentions were there. I don't believe the other ever became law. If it did I stand corrected. I still stand by my opinion that McCain has accomplished little while in congress.
  3. I know Obama has only been in a few years, but I can nto think of a single major acccomplishment for McCain in the past quarter century. And really intodays world to run for president out of the congress you have to have been pretty anonymous and your terms non-eventful. The more active you are in the congress the more targets you leave out there for people to take aim at when you run for higher office. In all honesty all I can think of with McCainns service on congress is voting agaisnt MLK day and his carefully crafted Maverick image. Perhaps a McCain supporter can detail any accomplish
  4. Isn't this what Clark said? Being in the military is not necessarily going to make you a great leader? Remember McCain was passed over for admiral and retired. Why? And he was offered rear admiral, but had little or no fleet command experience. So what did the navy see way back in 1980 or so that it thought...John McCain would not make a good leader of men, but he would make a good navy bureaucrat? But the whole POW and serving thing is a center piece of republican campaign strategy and has been for twenty some years or longer. Not for McCain per se
  5. Quite the REM Accelerate album opinion war going on here, so I may as well weigh in with my two cents worth. Which is just that MY two cents worth, nothing definitive here just how I feel about it all. First off since Berry left there is little disagreement that REM
  6. But if he, McCain, were going for a cabinet position or an SC position, then his past would surly disqualify him, he would not pass the vetting process. These things happen all the time, why would something like this disqualify a potential supreme court justice or a potential secretary of Housing or a potential VP yet for a presidential candidate its not a big deal? I would venture to guess that if this affair (Edwards) had happened twenty years ago it would still be the main topic of discussion on the news. And my question is why that would disqualify any candidate or potential from a posi
  7. So Edwards has an affair, gets caught and admits to it. OK that's not a good thing, but what about it exactly causes his politcal future to be ended? Is the affairs the qualifier that ends the publics trust? The lyign to his wife? What exactly is it? How and why does this stain Obama? Yes I have heard people use Edwards (a man not runnign for president anymore) actions to stain Obama. If the affair is used to disqualify Edwards for VP or damages his future politcal life, why does McCains not ruin his? Is there a double standard? I mena when they vet poltential VP candidates, or cabinn
  8. Do you believe in magic in a young girl's heart How the music can free her, whenever it starts And it's magic, if the music is groovy It makes you feel happy like an old-time movie I'll tell you about the magic, and it'll free your soul But it's like trying to tell a stranger 'bout rock and roll If you believe in magic don't bother to choose If it's jug band music or rhythm and blues Just go and listen it'll start with a smile It won't wipe off your face no matter how hard you try Your feet start tapping and you can't seem to find How you got there, so just blow your mind If you believe in
  9. It is from his last performance, he made a special apperance about a month before he passed. Very touching performance considering the circumstances.
  10. I didin't see the latest Local H album on anyone's list, but I think it is a pretty darn good record. Might be their best yet.
  11. Bruce released an EP of Magic Tour Highlights. 4 songs each with a special guest. Alejandro Escovedo, Tom Morello, Roger McGuinn and Danny Federici. All the performances are great, but I especially love Bruce and Tom Morello doing Tom Joad. I've never developed any love for that song over the years, but this version is, to me at least, simply stunning. They trade guitar solos mid song, then Morello lets loose for the final couple minutes. Just a great performance riveting. Alejandro and Danny's performances are equally as moving. I was less impressed with Turn Turn Turn and Roger McGui
  12. This is why I try to listen to the BBC as much as I can. They don't take historic level stories and boil it down to a 20 second sound bite. They aslo tend to ask the follow up questions that seem to be lacking in our press today.
  13. The response from the White House and from the sources has been interesting. They deny of course, sort of deny that is. The White House has chosen to take the high road and condemn Suskind, a Pulitzer prize winner, for his gutter journalism. Of course any and all involved would deny and probably should deny it publicly. After all who wants to admit publicly that they broke the law? However Suskind has the interviews on tape and has offered to make them available if needed. When not coerced it is hard to deny your actual words, though many have done just that and sometimes successfully.
  14. I got that one from my brother. Very lame and desperate, and of course avoids any discussion of issues as it focuses on the unimportant.
  15. I work with a woman (college educated) who votes republican every time. Does nto matter who the candidate is she votes republican...until recently that is. She was talking one day and I showed here a picture of the rpublican candiadte for Senate Mr Steele and she said that there was no way she could vote for him now that she knew he was black. So she cast no vote in that race rather than vote for her party. That's exactly the type of person I refer to and that is exactly who that ad and other innuendo about Obama is targeted towards.
  16. "What we decided to do is find the top three international celebrities in the world, and I would say from our indications, Britney and Paris came in second and third," said campaign manager Rick Davis.
  17. When I talk of those lower on the evolutionary scale...it is a metaphor for those who vote republican who really have no reason to. i.e. joe sixpack the NASCAR fan. people like that. Go ahhead and hammer me for generalizing annd point out the people you know who don't fall into that category, but they do exiist in the millions. I live in a fairly depressed county where republican policies have hurt many and yet the county still votes republican 60% and higher. Bush got like 70+ last time. I'm sorry but the blind love for Bush is unfathomable to me. Never in my lifetime have I seen one p
  18. Obama is only pointing out the obvious. The other guys, maybe not McCain directly but his supporters, will and are trying to make Obama out to be a scary guy. How often is his name linked to Osama? How often do McCain Supporters use Obama
  19. It is all true if you choose to believe it is true. None of it is true is you choose reality.
  20. The guy was on CNN the other day and said that if we had had a republican president in the 1990
  21. I think the odds of finding the seats are 100% since they are on either side of you. However actually finding the ticket holders before they get into the venue are probably close to zero.
  22. I called this thhe day of his press conference way back when. Apparently so did he almost as it appears that three weeks after his tearful anounncement he was asking the Pack about coming back. I'll believe he is really retired when he makes an announcement in July rather than at the end of a hard season after his worst game in recent memory.
  23. Satire or not how long before that image turns up in some sort of right wing literature? How many people will simply see the image and have it confirm their view of anyone with dark skin and a name like Obama being a terrorist? I get the imagry and anyone who has the ability to think critically shoudl be able to get it, but sadly all too many people won't care annd will use it as they please.
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