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ms. yvon

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Everything posted by ms. yvon

  1. EPISODE TWO ON TONIGHT! --surfer chicks! --bad dudes! --cool cars! just a reminder to you tivo setters out there.
  2. in a hurry, doing a fly-by post so i will keep it to this: xoxoxoxoxoxox!!!@@! stop by anytime, kevin! there is always at least one sprecher on ice just for you
  3. hasn't arrived yet, but i'm keeping an eye out for it! (thanks for sending your new address along, too!)
  4. wow! that's great everyone! tonight to celebrate the airing of the pilot we had two treats at work: a crepe bar hosted by our network executives and a champagne toast after wrap! lots of bon homie and jocularity 'round the office today. AND we covered a LOT of ground work-wise today.
  5. i'm here to tell you: he is stunningly handsome in person. and low-key. even in the lunch line. and he's got a gorgeous voice, to boot.
  6. hey kids! i've been working on a new show. the pilot airs tonight on A&E. i didn't work on the pilot (just on the series), but i think it's very good! (i am a terrific tv snoot and don't often recommend programs) it's a drama. (what?! drama on tv?! shocking!) the cast is REALLY GOOD. benjamin bratt is the star. here's what daily candy said today:
  7. donna, a weaker willed person might have bailed out at the "tweezing ticks" portion of the adoption. you, my friend, are steadfast!
  8. how exciting, collin!! glad to hear that you've formulated a plan and are making the move. i guess there is little chance of one last show at the troubadour or something before you scram. alas. BEST OF LUCK! i endorse looking up the bobblejen/caliben household. ben knows where to find the good beer, and jen is a direct hookup to quality eclairs.
  9. SWEET CRACKER SANDWICH!! neko AND howe gelb! *fanning self* no west coast shows??!! ARGH!
  10. kate, your flowers are STUNNING!! love the hair ornament! is that a barrette?
  11. YES! and poppyd: holy smokes! jen, needlepoint is perfect for summer: light and portable!
  12. ok kids, what's cookin? in an effort to kick start work on a blanket i've been knitting (and not knitting) for YEARS i ordered some of the yarn i'd run out of. turns out i ordered the wrong color. so now i've got to order it again. meh. in the mean time: i set up the sewing machine to do some quilting. sunday night i got through about ONE THIRD of the quilting to be done on this kid's sized blanket. hooray!! i'm still trying to wrap up those languishing projects before starting something new. june was too busy for much crafting, but july might be better suited. what are yo
  13. girl's gotta do, etc. thanks for the limited run heads up, sam! i picked up TTF, will have to swing in to see if AD is still on the shelves!
  14. hey kids, just saw this album of all baseball songs coming out. and it's got scott mcaughey! writing about willie mays! baseball project tunes article
  15. yay scott thompson! thanks kate! BEES ON PIE!
  16. BRILLIANT! no plans as of yet! maybe a little biking. maybe a little strolling. hoping for some quality patio beer enjoyment, as well! great thread wendy!
  17. and judy! what a stunning pic!
  18. I trust you all have seen the PM button and know how to use it.
  19. "what about the Home Builders Organization?" "no. HBO doesn't want us. I guess it's showtime." :dancing
  20. *cough* woman in the room *cough* please stop talking about beavers, pussies, tits and ass. thanks.
  21. [moderator comment] hello all. just a reminder that this thread is about SOCCER/FUTBOL. let's try to keep it there. i've received a few reports on posts in this thread. to the offenders: YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE. YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TYPING THAT IS CAUSING OFFENSE. CUT. IT. OUT. i am at work and do not want to have to chase down people with pm's today. IF YOUR COMMENT IS NOT ABOUT THE MATCH, KEEP IT TO YOURSELF, POST IT SOMEWHERE ELSE, OR TURN TO YOUR PEER AT WORK AND TELL IT TO THEM. if you are unsure if what you are about to type may be hurtful, offensive or just jerk-ish b
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