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Everything posted by ikol

  1. I would define the middle class as above the poverty line and below where Democrats want to raise taxes.
  2. When I was growing up, we won some goldfish. They miraculously lived longer than a week. After several months, we stopped changing their water, and we left them outside. They refused to die. Then we went out of vacation, and our grandparents came and changed the water (which was filled with algae by then). They died.
  3. How will he protect the Constitution from rulings like Roe v. Wade that create rights not defined in Constitution?
  4. Your loss. I was totally prepared to do so.
  5. Say what you will about Palin, but when that fleet of Putin heads flies into our airspace, all of y'all will regret voting for O'Biden.
  6. What sort of scientific investigation led you to that conclusion? Or did you just make it up out of thin air?
  7. Of course, if the moderator were from Foxnews, the Democrats would just skip the debate.
  8. What does the singer from U2 have to do with anything?
  9. No worries. If you hadn't diverted things, it would have eventually devolved into a discussion about whether non-atheists are idiots and why religion is to blame for everything.
  10. Every good parent wants the best possible life for their children, including even those fools that don't abort them.
  11. I'm not arguing that there's not waste in defense spending, but isn't national defense the most essential public service -- something that only the federal government can provide? And what happens when overtaxed corporations move overseas to avoid high taxes? Then you'll have more unemployed individuals in need of more public services. Not to mention the fact that corporations are not just owned by wealthy fat cats. I'm willing to bet that many VC'ers (not just JUDE) have stocks in corporations. And do you mean taxing the bejesus out of wealthy individuals or individuals with high incomes? The
  12. But if the government just shifts the "waste" from one area to another, how is this going to help reduce the deficit?
  13. So what you're saying is that the federal government should waste less money, leaving more for state and local governments?
  14. I don't know about you, but where I live libraries and schools are owned by local governments. Hospitals are not typically owned by the federal government (with the exception of VA hospitals). That just leaves the post office. It's too bad there aren't privately-owned companies that can be used to mail things.
  15. Cut spending. Not that McCain is going to do enough of this to make much difference, but that's the answer.
  16. Oprah is an example of conservatives not liking to think?
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