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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. somebody should have reminded of the Letterman's Oscar fiasco and incumbent fallout
  2. somehow, this seems very apt. Good beginning, confusinly wonderful middle, disappointing end
  3. and while we're at it...the KING OF ALL INCONGOUS COVERS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H4hGSR5njZE Plus...it's simply kick ass
  4. They blew their horns...and the walls came down They'd all been warned...and the walls came down They stood there laughing...they're not laughing anymore
  5. Hugo --- 99 Problems http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LloIp0HMJjc
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y53USDXySC4 Robbie Fulks...Dancing Queen. Definitely Works. Non-Ironic cover. A good song will always come through in the end.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8JJ1nwt_Gp4
  8. Interesting comment from the administrator of a Wilco fan board.
  9. Looking at your profile, it isn't possibe for you to have had the chance the see at least four of those (thinking you misunderstand Pop's intent). Not nitpicking for to be a dick but...
  10. I was at the first one in 1978. Not a bad line up for the time. Walter Egan April Wine Sammy Hagar Van Halen Frank Marino and Mahogany Rush Eddie Money Atlanta Rhythm Section Head East Journey Heart Ted Nugent Aerosmith
  11. Bo Diddley...is a small bar. I have an excuse though: I had the flu with a 103 fever
  12. Interesting. Is the agoraphobic aspect of grocery stores or is it overstimulation? I am really beginning to be a misanthrope (i.e. hating humanity, not individual people so much). I guess I have simply seen the avaricious, selfish and greedy side of people for too long. I see it every day, and nearly everyboyd I talk to in a professional capacity lies to me.
  13. There will be a lot of tightening of the belt at the state level. The problem is relatively simple. Government spends a lot. People hate paying taxes. Government raises taxes to try and balance the budget, people march in the streets. Government attempts to cutback spending to balance the budget, people march in the streets. Problem is simple. Solution is hard. America isn't real good on solutions these days.
  14. Lady Antebellum is a BAND. Like Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Lynyrd Skynyrd.
  15. Random thoughts and observations about the Grammy Awards broadcast: Lady Gaga is Madonna on steroids. Her Look, Her Music, Her desire to shock Muse's performance of UPRISING was rocking. In light of the trumoil in the Middle East, the choreography was a bit unsettling. Why is Marshall Mathers so angry? Good to see Lady Antebellum win. Hillary Scott is the daughter of an old friend from High School. I'm no teenager, but Esperanza Spalding winning best new artist over Justin Beiber is ridiculous. Beiber is a world wide phenomenon with all the incumbent cool indie hatred. I thought t
  16. I imagine it would go something like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNBIyGxV7Ek
  17. "How long have you been a black quarterback?" Wait...
  18. I assume you are refering to me. So be it. I may be pessimistic here, but history does not lend any reasons for optimism. Doey eyed joy and optimism are simply naive. But Realpolitik is what it is.
  19. Joe Abercrombie has become my new obsession. His stuff is certainly worth checking out if you like GRR Martin's stuff.
  20. The Yankee rally in game one of the NLCS was fueled by Young's misplaying a ground ball. And if he thinks that his chances for the HOF are being hurt by the move to DH/UT, he needs to realize his tantrum in the press will leave an impression that is not favorable to the player. Once again, wanting to be traded isn't a crime. But burning your bridges in the press and insuring that your club will get screwed in any trade transaction is bush league. All those years of playing for crappy clubs and he can't find it in his makeup to get 500+ at bats at DH/UT for a team that just made the World S
  21. I believe I said not the typical sword and sorcery tale. That may not be a strong enough refutation of its actual relationhip to typical Tolkein influenced crap that passes for fantasy literature. Another good, new author in the genre is Joel Abercrombie. His FIRST LAW Series is cynical, dark, intelligent, lusty and more than a bit cruel at times. This would make a good HBO series also.
  22. Mubarak was certainly a despotic, authoritarian, totalitarian dicatator. But consider in the 30 years he has ruled after Sadat was assassinated, Egypt has been friendly if not quite a full ally of The United States and has been at peace with Israel. The coming regime will more than likely be neither. We've supported the Arab dictators for 65 years because they feared us less than they feared the Soviets and would nominally support us. Now they are scared to death of the fundamantalists and are trying to walk a tight rope. Lovely that the Egyptian people seem to be on the verge of a popular
  23. I read your disclaimer and a I had a donkey laugh moment.
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