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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. I can state without equivocation and with no fear of contradiction that no place would be better if I were outfitted in a black leotard and tights.
  2. Think how bad they would have been WITHOUT Sean Bean.
  3. Just thought of this one and I am ashamed it didn't register with me earlier
  4. No...move on from the angst ridden homolies to Jay. Once he was terminated from the band, there was no going back. No going back for Jay (to the band) and no going back for Jeff (sharing musical inimacy).
  5. I think this looks pretty good. The G.R.R. Martin books are certainly not the run of the mill sword sorcery Tolkein ripoff that is rife in the genre. And anything with Sean Bean is a winner in my book.
  6. Everything being said and done, the Rangers were convinced Cliff Lee was going to resign and they placed all their eggs in that basket. And, if the reports I hear are true, it was a done deal until the Phillies entered the picture late in the day. This shot all their plans to hell. Plan B, trading for Zack Greinke, fell apart before Lee was signed. So the Rangers were left with needing to shore up their infield defense, (Beltre is light years better at third than the play they got from Young last year), tighten up the bullpen (Arthur Rhodes will be a key), and add to the offense. No real pit
  7. All that being said, I don't hate W(TA) or feel extremely disappointed in it. But, by the same token, I don't listen to it much. The one Wilco record that has consistently kept my interest and challenged me as a listener is A Ghost is Born. YHF (or Young Henry Frank as I call it...the NATO phonetic alphabet album title is a bit too militaristic for my taste) sounds sleepy, druggy and depressed to me. If Jim O'Rourke lessened the noise on his mixdown, can we all be honest with ourselves and say that it must have been a real mess. Majestic? Sure. But, to my ears, time hasn't been very kind to
  8. I have said this before, and I firmly believe it. An artist makes music for his/her/their enjoyment. Once they put the music out there,they have no control over how it is perceived. Artists don't own how we hear it and we, the audience accept the music or don't. Jeff was an angry young man. then a depressed older man and made edgy music. He found a co-dependant enabler who egged him on. Now, he seems to be happy and wants to make music that is happier. He is writing about what he is and feels, just as he did 20 years ago. And, for all the good and bad, Jay was in the band for all of 5 yea
  9. I tell you what. Pay me $48 Million over the next three years and you can decieve me, lie to me, disrespect me. I'll even walk your dog, massage your feet and do your laundry. Young's skill sets are diminishing. He was a clear liability at third last year and his hitting skills are on the decline. I don't think he really understands the dynamics of being a long time fan favorite in one locale and heading to another. He has history here. Anywhere else he will be facing only expectations from fans that he probably won't be able to meet. In Texas, he's MICHAEL YOUNG, 10 year veteran, good guy
  10. Yeah...but if he were a new poster, would your opinion be the same? The interwebs are HighSchool with anonymity.
  11. No...I am usually the one being made fun of.
  12. Pat really played some geetar on the original live version, but I got the impression that it was a "I don't know how to end this one boys. Take a solo Pat".
  13. For me, Jay was able to pull it off in Trace where it became a bit insufferable later on.
  14. I knew you were going to assume I was talking about you. Truth be told, I was too lazy to multi-quote the glasses and Bob Weir fixation quips. You get a pass.
  15. I was going to defend AM by writing something very similar. One thing I always hated hearing is "you had to be there". But, you really did have to be there.
  16. As a 50 year old with a baby face, I can tell you with a great degree of certainty that Pat probably isn't thrilled with the juxtaposition either. Also, it's a little highschoolish to make fun of somebody's appearance.
  17. Ahh...hopefully Ben is behaving himself. (I take him at his word) Next time I see Donovan McNabb, I'll ask him. (Not a non sequitir...McNabb really partied it up before the game against the Pats)
  18. From some little birdies, I hear that Hines Ward and some other Steelers have been availing themselves of the nightlife scene here in Dallas*. *Remember...Dallas is known for its Strip Clubs.
  19. The enigma that is Jack White continues on his way. He kind of remids me or Ryan Adams without the drugs. Prolific for sure. But it seems he has more of an internal editor that RA does. The Raconteurs and The Dead Weather are pretty darn good 'side projects'. I'm sure his creativity will continue unabated. But whatever will happen to Meg?
  20. I understand that. But it all falls on deaf ears for those who don't want to believe.
  21. ...instead of 'global warming'. The terrible cold snaps seem to offer a rebuttal of Global Warming (although the evidence for warming is inescapable). But, it's like the housing bubble. There were Cassandras out there forecasting the bubble bursting, but they were dismissed as cranks. People are much better at laying blame and looking for scapegoats than they are at recognizing problems and acting accordingly.
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