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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. Goodness knows John and Paul got back together...oh...wait. But Jeff Beck and the Yardbirds...uh... It ain't gonna happen and it would be a terrible idea. UT broke up because the two guys ultimately couldn't get along. Muscially and, eventually, personally. Jay thought it was his band and Jeff thought they were musical partners.
  2. I don't know if fans from other parts of the country can appreciate what we are experiencing in the DFW area. I was 12 years old the spring that The Washington Senators moved to Texas and took up residence in an old minor league ballpark next to Six Flags Over Texas. Legendary Ted Williams managing, Frank Howardplaying first base...and they totally sucked. But it was major league baseball and it was in Arlington. They played a lot of bad baseball in '72 and '73. In the course of trying to get people out to the ball park,in 1973 they rushed a High School Phenom to the bigs and ruined his care
  3. Sorry to butt in on the losing ballclubs' manager change options... Assuming that the Rangers don't melt down and win one of the next three games...I have tickets to Games 3 and 5 of The Series.
  4. The audience was rife with hipsters...almost offputting
  5. Pure Genius http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pc0mxOXbWIU
  6. It's Wash's playbook. This team has been running all year. Saw Hamilton scoring from second on infield singles twice in a week. This team no longer relies on the three run home run...but if you don't pitch them carefully, they will take you yard. You'll see a lot more of the 'antlers' and the 'claw' in the ALCS. 'Antlers' signifies kudos for a hustle, speed play (running like a deer). The 'Claw' is a long distance high-five (also for power plays).
  7. It's really an odd experience today. I was there at the first game at old turnpike staduim in 1972. Suffered through some of the worst baseball ever. Saw amazing runs by teams that had no business contending (1974, 1977, 1978, 1986). Saw the worst owner in the history of professional sports bankrupt the franchise. Saw the franchise sell its soul to bring in the worst fraud of a human being ever. John Daniels and Nolan Ryan deserve all the credit here. So glad this team won something.
  8. You were looking for a reason to post a smurf...and I delivered it up on a platter. Nice
  9. Buddy...I don't need to see my advancing age in the appearance of others. The mirror works JUST fine. (I don't mind or care that Mr. Tweedy has a bald spot...Vanity usually signifies a person of little character and of little merit)
  10. I think this 'remix' is a perfect example of why artists should avoid most drugs
  11. Well...Walmart is killing small town America. But all socio-political musings aside, I find Jeff's hoarse vocals more than a bit distracting. You'd think if they were going to produce a document of this band at that moment in time, they could have waited until Jeff got over his sore throat.
  12. Yeah...it really is. This isn't the TEXAS RANGERS I grew up with.
  13. More on the Bobby Bare Jr. and Justin Townes Earle c & c...Politics in music
  14. Elvis Costello with Los Lobos --- Matter of Time Lucinda Williams with Elvis Costello --- There's a Story in your voice
  15. Wow... I guess you're another year closer to finding out if all the Jesus, heaven and Angels crap is true or if your worm eaten ass rots in a box. Sheesh...good luck with that (plaigarized from a really cool birthday card)
  16. I would say that is your first mistake.
  17. You expected Rolling Stone to actually fact check, proof read or research something? Really?
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