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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. There is so much good stuff out there that is professionally recorded and shot. I was listening to the Christic Institute shows yesterday. Absolutely breathtaking. I wonder what Bruce's career would have been like if he had a manager who actually challenged him and pushed him to challenge himself instead of a worshiper.
  2. Or maybe Cheetah Chrome...not that it really matters. They all deserve to thought of in that light. I find it interesting and bordering on criminal that the guitar giants of the American punk movement on the mid-70's have largely gone unremembered and unrecognized for so very long.
  3. My theory is he re-recorded the vocals because most of the outtakes featured roughed in vocals. If the version of Because the Night that has been circulating for the last 15 or so years is indicative of what he had to work with, it is reasonable and defensible.
  4. Bruce Springsteen --- San Jose 10/26/1996 The Ghost of Tom Joad solo tour featured some fiercely good shows. Bruce showed incredible daring in totally reinventing himself: his look (i.e. his actual appearance), his voicing, his image (overtly political), the song arrangements. If he had continued on this path...who knows? Not that reuiniting with the E Streeters was a bad thing. But these acoustic shows are magical...Ther performances were personal and powerful. Better than the Devils and Dust shows that hapened a decade later.
  5. And interesting that three of the four seminal American punk guitar gods worked with Matthew Sweet.
  6. Hard to fathom Ivan Julian and Robert Quine in the same band (Richard Hell and the Voidoids) I always found it fascinating that Sweet was able to use the muscular guitar work of Quine and Lloyd in his masterful power pop songs from that era (Girlfriend and Altered Beast)
  7. I like Ice Cream. And I watched The House Bunny once upon a time Hurt Locker was one intense movie. And definitely deserved the Oscar. At least Old School was a good guy movie
  8. Does 'better late than never' count for birthday wishes? If so...Happy Birthday
  9. A great song from Elvis (anybody seen the movie?) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=knTvHRz_qnU
  10. This weekend, she who must be obeyed decided that we were going to go see EAT PRAY LOVE. And as a concession to me, we were also going to see THE EXPENDABLES. Sweet fancy Moses,they were the two worst movies I have EVER seen. THE EXPENDABLES was stupid, hyper violent and little better than murder porn. EAT PRAY LOVE was the epitome of the self centered navel gazing bullshit that runs rampant in America. I cannot exprss how fully I hated these two pieces of shit. Both pandered and both were self involved and self congratulatory. Everyone involved with the making of these two movies should b
  11. I like the way their cover has evolved since it first made the rounds a year or so ago.
  12. It's never been officially released, but in the 1974 shows he did before he started recording Born to Run in earnest, Bruce did a lovely cover of I Want You.
  13. Today was a rare baseball occurance of Hell on Earth. They said it was 99 at gametime...but they lied. It was probably 102 and hit at least 104 by the time the game hit the 7th inning. A day game in Texas in August. I felt so very sorry for the Red Sox.
  14. Really? Guess racist knuckleheads don't just show up south of the Mason Dixon line. I would have bet that the crowd would have self policed that kind of shit at a Wilco show.
  15. I didn't and still don't like the smarmy condenscending tone of this. This is a perfect example of the disdain that the adults had for the youth of america until the aforementioned youth popped them in the mouth in the 60's.
  16. I can wholeheartedly agree with this sentiment while also state that they are not my favorite band.
  17. Dan Baird--- Back when I was goin' to school, I never learned a thing All I did was daydream, a-waitin' for the bell to ring I had a certain teacher, I always tried to impress her When she stood up in the classroom, I would mentally undress her Then one day I decided, that I would write a little letter She said the spellin' was a masterpiece, the punctuation could be better I understood what she was saying, I got the gist of her sentiment She said "I don't mean to be degrading, "but here's the way that it should've went:" I love you period Do you love me question mark Please, pl
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