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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. The song’s meaning has been examined and scrutinized for years. On the surface, a casual listener will undoubtedly hear the persuasion to partake in illegal/recreational activity. Upon further review, one may theorize that Dylan means “stoned” in the biblical sense. And what’s with the numbers 12 and 35? I got no answers...just for fun, multiply them together….. Well, they'll stone ya when you're trying to be so good, They'll stone ya just a-like they said they would. They'll stone ya when you're tryin' to go home. Then they'll stone ya when you're there all alone. But I would not feel
  2. I've been watching Season One on Netflix with D-man and Downtown
  3. I completely agree with this one. Jonny Greenwood's guitar work on this one is INSANE.
  4. Cheap Trick --- Heaven Tonight. A perfect slice of late 70's power pop with intelligent, funny lyrics; flawless production and spectacular musicianship.
  5. Somewhere in the back of my mind I seem to remember hearing something about a stroke and his wanting to spend time with his family.
  6. That's nice. Fire a general who's master plan we are implementing because you're mad. So much for speaking truth to power. America's not at war. The Marine Corps is at war. America is at the mall.
  7. I first heard this in the late 70's in some forgotten club in Houston. Shake Russell is an undiscovered gem of a songwriter...look him up on itunes. SHAKE RUSSELL --- DEEP IN THE WEST Deep in the west where the tall mountains grow I've gone home Where the heavens above turn red from the fire down below Are you listening to me when I'm talking to you Said together we're one divided we're through Divided we're through. Silver friend at night yellow friend you come with the dawn Back in my heart I've been drying my eyes see me run So you hang on to me and I'll hang on to you Said together
  8. For some reason I found this funny My linkhttp://humorpix.com/pictures/Football_fans
  9. Try these guys http://www.hangmhighwesternwear.com
  10. This song from LCD Soundsystem is a real earworm. LCD SOUNDSYSTEM --- I CAN CHANGE Tell me a line make it easy for me Open your arms Dance with me until I feel all right It's good in the dark, good in the dark But into the lover's light Here comes another fight So ring the alarm, ring the alarm Bar me and hold me and cling to my arm Here it comes, here it comes And what you're asking me now, disastrous now Hoping and hoping and hoping The feeling goes away Never change, never change, never change, never change Never change, never change, never change This is why I fell in love oooh
  11. I scrolled through my iPod and wrote some down until I got bored. Jackie Wilson Said (i`m in Heaven When You Smile) --- Van Morrison The Ghost of Tom Joad --- Bruce Springsteen Baba O'Riley --- The Who Bessie Smith --- Bob Dylan/The Band Blind Willie McTell --- Bob Dylan Sylvia Plath --- Ryan Adams Carl Perkin's Cadillac --- DBT Curt Flood --- Joe Henry Edgar Bergen --- Joe Henry Eleanor Rigby --- The Beatles The W. S. Walcott Medicine Show --- The Band Old Dan Tucker --- Bruce Springsteen Richar Pryor Addresses a Tearful Nation --- Joe Henry Richard Cory --- Simon
  12. The best songs about cars really aren't about cars... Ramrod
  13. Fellas...my rant was meant to be a humorous juxtaposition with the comments about Lou Barlow. (He was really good).
  14. I find it fascinating that the music that was deemed so dangerous and inspired an entire generation of musicians in the 50's seems so quaint now.
  15. I must say it is still in heavy rotation for this old man.
  16. I'm going to be a crumudgeon and boycott this on general principals. I am so very tired of hipsters using lists to show how hip they are. I don't need to see some Hungarian heavy alterna-metal band nobody has ever heard of outside of the confines of internet message boards touted as having 'the best record ever'. Pffft. I'm cranky. I'm old. And I am not hip. So ya'll shouldn't care what I think is the best of all time, because, if truth be told, I really don't care what anyone else thinks. By the way on a different and much less cranky note...I just heard Lou Barlow on an in-studio
  17. People (read: My children) taking something that is inherently wasteful and non-green and making it moreso. Example: I like Ozarka bottled water. My children leave half consumed bottles all over the house, thus making me absolutely crazy.
  18. BLUE OYSTER CULT --- THIS AIN'T THE SUMMER OF LOVE Feeling easy on the outside But not so funny on the inside Feel the sound, pray for rain For this is the night we ride This ain't the garden of eden There ain't no angels above And things ain't like what they used to be And this ain't the summer of love Lock all your doors from the outside The key will dangle by the inside You may begin to understand That this is the night we ride This ain't the garden of eden There ain't no angels above And things ain't like what they used to be And this ain't the summer of love On the night we ride..
  19. Well...isn't Bon Iver really Vernon for all intents and purposes?
  20. Legendary UCLA basketball coach dead at 99.
  21. Been there...done that. I feel you pain. Since 2005, through theft, washing machine run-ins, battery failure and losing them I have been through Two iPod Classics, 4 iPod Nanos, and three iPod touches. Just writing it all down makes my stomach hurt.
  22. If the stupid kids who do that as a fashion statement knew from whence it came and what it meant, they would be wearing their pants like their grandpas...up around the armpits.
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