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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. You see...at this point they were actually trying to SELL RECORDS. They didn't yet realize that the American public can never really embrace music of merit en masse.
  2. A terrible song? I will go on record here and say that Jeff Tweedy has never recorded a "terrible song". It's my opinion and has as much weight as my breath. And to reanswer the OP, I really like W(TA). SBS is/was a grower that really took off in a live setting; AGIB is and will always be sublime (Wilco's best in my opinion. YHF is almost painful in its desperate and constrained emotional content. Jeff was not is a good place emotionally here and his relationship with Jay was toxically codependent. Ah hell...my weightless opinions bore even me.
  3. I am feeling all the cliched bullshit wasted life stuff. Revel in your youth.
  4. Certainly going out with a bang and not a whimper.
  5. Why are you hating on Secret of the Sea? I hesitated to bring this up because I didn't want to unleash a patented SS tounglashing that is sure to come, but I really want to know. Personally, I find it charming and tuneful. Musically, a trip through 40 years of pop music. Simple lyrics with no deep message. Not every song has to be an earthshaking tour de force. There's something to be said for playful, tuneful pop. Even a gourmet chef likes a ham sandwich every now and then.
  6. Yes. My point is that people are disengaged and afraid and/or reluctant to get involved. And your point is?
  7. Well...it was the normal time they take a little break. I was halfway expecting a recap type episode.
  8. Figured I'd bump this so it will be a little bit easier to find for next week.
  9. The Kitty Genovese ordeal in 1964 but a spotlight on the bystander effect. But after 46 years of handwringing by apologists, psychological navel gazing and moralizing, people are still reluctant to get involved.
  10. I've said it before and I'll say it again: Wayne Coyne should be sending Jeff Tweedy Christmas, Hannukah and Birthday cards with a $100 bill in it for the rest of his life. The media firestorm following the release of Wilco from the REPRISE contract has given Wayne Coyne carte blanche for the rest of his recording life.
  11. Was just going through some Draft stuff and found this little tidbit on a player the Cowboys drafted in 7th round.
  12. Bands that have no 'hits' releasing Greatest Hits records. Call 'em Best of
  13. I wonder if the OP of these photos is assuming/asserting that Jack will be the new Richard against Locke's MIB?
  14. If Ben Roethlesberger had pursued baseball rather than football, he'd still be knocking 'em out in toilets in Georgia.
  15. I call it the 'movie star' syndrome. Everybody is starring in their own Movie and nothing else matters. A cuter way of saying that Solipsism is running rampant.
  16. This has been rumored to be in the pipeline for TWO YEARS. I'll believe it when I have it in my grubby little hands
  17. No...but they definitely met off island. (Ben shot Desmond and Desmond beat the shit out of him)
  18. "You look just like him" "Does it bother you?" "No. What bothers me is I don't know what the hell you are. "Sure you do" Silence.
  19. Looking at these pictures something hit me:
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