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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. I been in a cave For forty days Only a spark To light my way I wanna give out I wanna give in This is our crime This is our sin But I still believe I still believe Through the pain And the grief Through the lives Through the storms Through the cries And through the wars Oh, I still believe Flat on my back Out at sea Hopin' these waves Don't cover me I'm turned and tossed Upon the waves When the darkness comes I feel the grave But I still believe I still believe Through the cold And through heat Through the rain And through the tears Through the crowds And through the cheers Oh, I still b
  2. I did too...but, I assumed it was a cosmic coincidence. Even though nothing that happens on that show is a coincidence.
  3. was all prepared to make a witty,snarky comment about 12 steps and somesuch, but hits a bit close to home.
  4. Interesting question. It certainly is cyclical. The last month or so the majority of my listening has been engaged by Dawes, DBT and Wilco. Dawes is obviously a new entry. Groups will drop into the rotation (Bruce Springsteen, Ryan Adams, Alejandro Escovedo, U2, Radiohead); but I find that Wilco and DBT are obsessions that haven't cooled for the last several years (Wilco hasn't moved from from my consciousness since 1995 and DBT since 2003 or so).
  5. The Call. Man...this bring back MEMORIES. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_kX8lqXAONg&feature=related
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cXywSZ-Zdmg
  7. They could never record that today...Oingo Boingo...killer live band
  8. Dark haired boy and blonde haired boy...has a plot point ever been so broadly pointed out
  9. I feel like I am an unofficial Dawes street team member. I am turning all my 50 year old guy friend onto this band. And the great thing is that discovering them has been serendipity.
  10. Sorry I didn't post a reminder yesterday. I have been looking forward to it all week long. I am well over the age demographic these guys want to bring in...but I LOVE THIS BAND. Discovering great new bands is what makes music appealing. It Keeps me feeling young. I ran across these guys listening to KXT, the new public radio station in DFW. The radio was on in the background and "That Western Skyline" came on. At first I thought it was a THE BAND song that I hadn't heard before. Great lead vocals, great harmonies and playing that fits the song. No ego driven overplaying. These guys call
  11. Haven't been successful with the spoilers this year, so I have been surprised. One thing really struck me as being important. Flocke asks Desmond "Do you know who I am?" Desmond answers "Of Course. You're John Locke". Flocke looks startled. Hmmm.... Everybody else blithely accepts that Flocke isn't Locke. They don't know about the MIB per se, but Sawyer, Jin, Kate, Widmore et al. all accept/assume the altered identity. What if Desmond sees a deeper reality? My mind is really blown.
  12. Wow... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OsNSefncqbI
  13. I have been looking for spoilers but keep running into the casting stuff.
  14. Charlie, Desmond, Hugo and Locke have all had different introductions to the epiphany. Charlie's and Locke's were violent and involved bodily injury or near death experiences. Desmond's was triggered by the accident, but more specifically Charlie's hand note. Hurley's epiphany was triggered by his interaction with Libby...a lover who never was on the island. Where is this all going? Charlie and Locke (the real one)are dead on the island. Although Locke's status is suspect because he died off the island. We don't know what Locke's flash involves, but Charlie's involved a relationship that w
  15. I doubt we will ever see an American Chechnya played out in Oklahoma, but I imagine that The US would respond in the same fashion we have since the end of the Viet Nam war: when the body bags start flowing, the hand wringing will commence. But seriously, I cannot fathom the mindset that seeks, desires or espouses the dissolution of the Union be it in Vermont or Oklahoma.
  16. Whoah. Answers...they be coming.
  17. By the way...I was in Cowtown Saturday for Arts Fest. Fort Worth is really nice (at least downtown). The Bass brothers really executed their vision. Downtown Dallas is pretty sad.
  18. Outside of Cruz and Vlad, the bats are really anemic. Borbon looks lost and God only knows what is up with Hamilton.
  19. Several things to think about: Who is Penny's Mother? Who is David's Mother? Why is Desmond different? Was John marked from the beginning? (Regaining the use of his legs?) Is the Cave (where the MIB showed Sawyer the names on the wall)Jacob's or the MIB's? Jacob has the Lighthouse and the room under the Statue.
  20. The years passed, mankind became stupider at a frightening rate. Some had high hopes the genetic engineering would correct this trend in evolution, but sadly the greatest minds and resources where focused on conquering hair loss and prolonging erections.
  21. Willful violation of and/or ignoring Mine Saftey regulations should lead to at least involuntarily manslaughter charges.
  22. Feliz is now the closer. And in scary news for the AL WEST...Vlad looks like his knees aren't bothering him one bit.
  23. Growing up in the heat of the Cold War and being brought up on a steady diet of tales of Soviet nastiness, the conspiracy theories come RACING into my mind.
  24. Downtown uses a spoon instead of a knife to spread stuff.
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