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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. John was so bitter and cynical in the early 70's that one can't take anything he said in that period completely at face value.
  2. I got nothing...I just wanted to see this again.
  3. That opening scene from last season and this episode may have the key to our ultimate answers. I think we now see that these 'beings'(Jacob and the MIB) need avatars. This may explain the problem the Dharma Initiative experienced with child and mother mortality.
  4. Then you can cite the eminent Wilco board Egyptologist Crow Daddy Magnus!!! Actually found it on the Yahoo front page.
  5. The Savior of the Republic Doris Goodwin Team of Rivals.
  6. There is nothing wrong with career politicians (at least there didn't used to be). Henry Clay, Everett Dirkson, Hubert Humphrey, Franklin Roosevelt. The real thing we are missing is STATESMEN.
  7. Well...school is out then. So maybe Jeff and the boys will spend time with their families. Maybe they will work on the next record. I hope they make it within 8 hours of my abode so D-man and I can catch a show. Time is fleeting.
  8. Having spent a good amount of time in the Valley of the Kings back in the day, I read this with great interest. Sounds like poor Tut was not a handsome guy.
  9. I've been as clear as I am capable of being on my opinions about Bayh's decision. What do YOU think of his decision...and Chris Dodd...Ted Kaufman? Goodbye and good riddance? Rats leaving a sinking ship (although with the majority they have that would be a stretch)? I am dumbfounded that in the face of the great challenges this country is facing domestically, economically and internationally; these prominent Senators are choosing to call it a day. That's all.
  10. No...it's energy. While the Bayh's aren't in the same caliber of American Political Families as the Kennedys, Bushs, Udalls or Rockefellers; Bayh had a prominence and a bully pulpit to decry the atmosphere in Washington that a new Senator won't. Evan Bayh was on the short list for VP. Now he will be competing with Chris Dodd for air time on CNBC. Back to the original conceit of this thread...America won't die from overt action. It will die from ennui.
  11. I don't have the energy for this. If you want to think Evan Bayh is a principled man of reason LIKE HIS FATHER, then more power to you. I don't even like typing Palin's and Bayh's names in the same sentence. Bayh was a man of substance. I guess I just expected more backbone from the man. Now he can go cash in on his 'principled' stand. At least he will have THAT in common with Palin.
  12. Palin has delusions of grandeur and is an opportunist. Bayh is a spoild child of political privalege. Hell, he was almost the VP of the US. The great American way...when the going gets tough, the tough get going out the door.
  13. I think both Bayh and Palin are cowards. If you think something is wrong with the process (they both quit for similarly stated reasons), you can quit and whine about it, you can stay and whine about it, or you can STAY AND FIGHT FOR YOUR PRINCIPLES. One cannot reasonably belittle one and lionize the other. Palin and Bayh are cowards. Period.
  14. Actually worse than Valentine's Day. Valentine's Day didn't have high aspirations. Wolfman was silly and portended to be scary.
  15. It may have been the worst movie I have ever seen. I didn't walk out because I kept hoping that it would turn bat shit crazy. Sir Anthony must have needed a payday.
  16. A really unattractive side to sports is rearing its head in Vancouver. The whole affair has really soured me on these games. I won'tgo as far to say that the COC is culpable in Kumaritashvili's death, but there are some very disturbing aspects to this tragedy.
  17. I feel dirty and stupid This weekend, I was forced to see and Now if the wolfman had shown up in Valentine's day and eaten Ashton Kutcher, then it might have been a worthwhile night
  18. Casablanca is deservedly considered a classic. However, I've always thought that Rick's actions at the end of the movie are not consistent with what we were told of his past actions and character.
  19. I think Howlin' Wolf, Freddie King, Albert King, B.B. King, T Bone Walker et al would be surprised that the Blues aren't music. It's just a description based on call and response...not a disparagement. By the way...I agree that he's pretty good
  20. I wasn't going to say anything, but GON goes nuclear faster than Stew and I do.
  21. Noah can vouch for these (if he's old enough to remember them) Ten Hands Three on a Hill Tablet Spot Sorta REO Speedealer
  22. AHHHHHHHHHHHH...how stupid of me...of course. I didn't make the PJ and Neil connection even thought it was mentioned earlier. And I even missed the 'giddy up' pun. Sadly, I don't think Neil and PJ or Ch will be an option. I'm afraid that mass appeal bands that actually have merit are becoming a rare commodity.
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