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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. I've been pondering this for a couple of days...CH?
  2. Yes...but it is the nature of things. Just Imagine how bad it would have gotten in YHF had become the best selling record of 2002, if the boys had made the cover of Rolling Stone and all the teenage girls had posters of Jeff, John, Glen and Leroy on their walls. This is really kinda nice. The boys are big enough to make some coin in touring but not so big that you have to go to the local basketball arena or hockey rink to see them.
  3. Bob Newhart Show theme for SBS tour
  4. You moreso than Gary. But I do have visions....
  5. You know...there's no possible way,but I SWEAR I know you two. I mean, You guys look REALLY familiar. Maybe in a past life or... Did you guys ever take a plane flight from Australia to LA?
  6. I thought for a minute it was Everett McGill.
  7. Probably not. But would the Teabaggers go militant and violent like the BPP in its extremes? Probably. I guess it's fair to say that I am a little pessimistic about things.
  8. Eh...there are SO many other things to ridicule about her that I cannot be bothered by five or six words scrawled on her hand. She nailed her speech, but her content was scary/dicey/dopey. Obama reads his speech from a teleprompter but his content is better. Problem is, there are a LOT of angry people out there. I've discussed this before, but there isn't any great conspiracy here. A lot of folks with a modest understanding of American History are VERY angry in the hinterlands. They may not really be sure exactly what they want or whether it is just rhetoric, but Anger is a motivating forc
  9. After the nailing of Broken Arrow, it is apparent that this band has the ability, touch, taste and chops to handle songs of any complexity that they choose. That being said, I would love to hear this band tackle the Medley from Abbey Road. Strike that. The entire second Side of Abbey Road (for you youngsters who don't remember music before cds that would be the stretch from Here Comes the Sun through The End.
  10. Greg Evigan...you might remember him from the classic American Television Series My Two Dads...or Melrose Place. Or even TEK WAR.
  11. I was going to throw in the bit about the sex tape in the OP, but I was already throwing up in my mouth.
  12. I can't find it online...but I have a headshot of Alfred the Camel of Wilco (The Album) fame
  13. As "Wake Up" is all over the NFL ads for the draft and played in the stadium several times today, I think the Arcade Fire would be an inspired choice. Next year is Dallas I bet we get George Strait or maybe Jack Ingram and Pat Green.
  14. The family and I (downtown and d-man...magic kristen is off at college) went to our friend's house for the big game. Downtown cooked some sliders with a nice chipolte mayonnaise dressing and some chicken skewers...really yummy. During the halftime show, my cell phone started ringing. The ringtone was Magic's...DMX's Party up (Ya'll gonna make me lose my mind, up in here, up in here). I answered it. The following is a close a transciption as I can remember: "Dad" "Hey girlie...what's up" "Who's the band doing the hafltime show" The Who. "The Band doing the Super Bowl halftime.
  15. Sweet Fancy Moses. This is the most sordid story. Not just an affair; not just asking an aide to lie; not just a fun baby; not just cheating on his wife who was terminally ill with cancer; not just using campaing funds to pay off the mistress; not just speculating who his wife's terminal illness could help his campaign. Now he reportedly punched his wife. Holy shit...
  16. With John taking the "woke up, fell out of bed..." middle?
  17. Well...I have yet to see it played. So I requested it...but still haven't seen it
  18. GREAT mentions...would never have occurred to me
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