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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. And just what exactly is wrong with that?
  2. Hmmm...very interesting. The smoke monster has been a fixture since the first. We are now led to believe that it was the MIB in the cabin (the circle of ash) and he was freed when Locke disturbed the ash. There is a really creepy element in the avatars (i.e., Christian, Locke): they seem to refer or think of themselves as somehow blended with the identities they assume though definitely apart: (Christian/MIB referring to Jack as his son) and the very evident Lockian possession. Blended or something akin to it. I seem to recall somebody posting an oddball theory on a LOST site that there
  3. Tennessee sipping whisky (Jack Daniels) only in a pinch. Even though I don't partake anymore, mark me down as a Maker's Mark Man.
  4. We assume Ben summoned the smoke monster because he said he did. I have no reason to doubt that. Keamy broke the rules by killing Alex (Whidmore and Linus are apparently part of the game). I think Keamy's life was forfeit after that.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MhexZQnsPcA&feature=related
  6. Farrah was an academy member for 40 years (according to Ryan O'Neal). The academy's reasoning...not enought time or space. Nice.
  7. She got Oscar buzz for this movie role: Extremities and she Co-Starred with Jeff Bridges in this one: Somebody killed her Husband
  8. The emotion she showed and her comments about loving childrn were poignant given her personal situation.
  9. Seriously, are the Roethlesberger stories being pursued in Pittsburgh? The Dallas media have Irvin convicted and in the jailhouse everytime something comes up. Although I ususally don't play that game, I am beginning to sense a racial componant to this stuff. The media crucifies the black guy and casts aspersions on the white guy's accusers.
  10. He didn't see to be channeling Bad Blake...he seemed to be channeling the Dude. By the way...Bridges is slated to appear in the remake of True Grit(the John Wayne role, Matt Damon in the Glenn Campbell role, and Barry Pepper in the Robert Duval role).
  11. It's part of his schtick. Everybody comments on how wonderful he is and he acts put out. His girlfriend, however, seemed really pissed off.
  12. Ergo the 'two or three shows' portion of the post. That and any show with R. Lee Ermey.
  13. Did anybody else notice the glaring ommission in the IN MEMORIAM portion of the show? No mention of
  14. Sounded pissed off to me. doesn't sound particularly happy. And the look on Samuel L. Jackson's face (in the quick crowd cut shot) gave me the impression he thought so too.
  15. Anybody have an idea why Monique was so pissed off?
  16. Insane is kind of harsh. If you are referring to me, I have already owned up to SAD, Depression and Agoraphobia. But insane? Geez. I guess I won't be looking for any birthday wishes for you this year.
  17. Did this get the kind of attention that Michael Irvin's situation did? (By the way, the authorities declined to prusue a Grand Jury indictment against Irvin).
  18. Don't be shy...this is a BIG DEAL. Not meaning to take a jab here, but you need to learn the art of positive self promotion from PopTod. I say if any board member has something they want us to hear...bring it on!
  19. It is one of the two or three shows that actually justify watching The History Channel these days.
  20. Probably But if I say I am always ironic, does hat get me into a bit of a circular arguement kinda thing?
  21. Hey...you know what....You're right! It's really kinda dark. Plus, any chance to see Abe Vigoda is worthwhile. My dry humor doesn't translate well to the interwebs, does it?
  22. A lot of you don't understand the concept of 'underrated'. Movies that got nominated for an academy award or had a good box office aren't what I call underrate. Underrated movies are Good movies that didn't get released...they escaped.
  23. Just like the old days on ESPN And...while we're at it (although off topic), how about AUSTRALIAN RULES FOOTBALL
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