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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. Yeah.../isn't it great/terrible that female actors need to get naked to show they are serious or edgy. (Notice my John Lennon homage in the cop out ala Revolution?)
  2. Speaking of Ann Hathaway, what was she thinking when she made Havoc?
  3. I want to thank A-man for bring Marah back to my attention. I broke out Kids in Philly last week and was moved to go over to Amazon and buy 20,000 Streets under the Sky, If You Didn't Laugh , You'd cry and Angels of Destruction... Dave and Serge are just so good...
  4. Really interesting performance although I was really distracted by the Singer's manboobs. And he's a relatively skinny guy.
  5. This is a big time break for DBT---nine dates on the tour in the midwest...very nice
  6. The MIB aka Smokey was assumed to be imprisoned in the cabin. The breaking of the ash ring freed him (presumably by Locke). Right? But the smoke monster was all over the island in the first five seasons. But Rosseau's crew was 'infected' (we now see that as being claimed) in 1987 and infected IN THE TEMPLE. Is it possible that there are multiple entities at play here (meaning the Avatar of Locke is not one being, but multiple entities?) I'm not really sure about this as to its plausibility. And why did Claire not see MIB as Locke? I can't really believe that Sawyer would buy into this no
  7. All evidence of life experience shows this statement to be somewhat flawed.
  8. It's really not that hard. If everybody around you is sitting...you sit. If everybody around you is standing...you stand. Don't sing along so loud as to annoy people. Don't shout out "woo hoo" during the quite songs. Don't block the view of people behind you holding up you cell phone for a one minute crappy phone video. Don't spend the whold night talking. Don't drink so much taht you miss the show with beer runs and Pee breaks. If you do drink too much, don't pass out or throw up on annybody. It's just that simple.
  9. I didn't include the Beatles on my list because they transcend everything for me
  10. Remember the statement from the kiddo/proto Jacob to MIB? Remember the rules...you can't kill him. Eko was killed by the MIB/Smoke Monster. Methinks that Mr. Eko may be coming back in some way, shape or form
  11. MIB and Jacob ar choosing their teams. Jack and Hurley --- Team Jacob (probably) Sawyer and Claire --- Team MIB (most definitely) Miles: a necromancer like Hurley, has ties to Sawyer...probably gonna be team MIB or dead Sayid: if Dogan is to be believed...team MIB; but he has ties to and trusts Jack...team Jacob Jin: has ties to SAwyer but has lied to Claire...he might be a goner Sun: the wild card. She was a companion of Flocke back to the island, but her destiny will follow Jin's Frank and Ilana: roll players? Richard: Jacob's man to the end. Kate: and what of Kate. Will she die? MIB
  12. I agree with the tiering of favorites. Tier One --- Springsteen, Wilco, U2,DBT Tier One a --- Dylan, Young, RAdiohead, Alejandro Escovedo (Pearl Jam and Ryan Adams have moved in and out through the years) However, I find that I connect with Wilco more than any other band. I like all of the above bands. I OBSESS over Wilco and Springsteen
  13. Plus I love the way he is so taken aback at drinking "Protestant Whisky".
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X85N-43REag
  15. Luckily, SAD is treatable with SSRIs. Does Baseball include SSRIs (Paxil, Luxor, Zoloft, Prozac) in the drug testing cycle?
  16. Marah. Man...that is a blast from my past. Back in the day, I was a warrior over on the AOL Bruce Springsteen forums. After suffering through recommendations on Jesse Malin and Mary Cutrufello, Marah was a home run. The Kids in Philly record is definitely one of my favorite discs of all time. I must admit I lost track or maybe interest after Float Away with the Friday Night Gods. It seemed at the time like Serge and David were intent on running off rhythm sections.
  17. Every night for two years (1975-77) i went to sleep to side two of that record
  18. They are for posers...for guys going through a mid-life crisis or 14 year old boys buying one with daddy's money. You want wear from where you OWN arm rubs the finish off... However, I have bought plenty of pawn shop guitars that had some really cool looking worn finishes...so maybe I am being a snob. But then again, those wear and tear marks on pawn shop guitars go there naturally, not by artificial means...and I didn't over pay fot the wear and tear
  19. Old Bushmill's or Jameson's? Green or Orange?
  20. Handshake Drugs---Paul playing John's wonderful bassline...oh baby
  21. I was hit by something today as I was thinking about the sideways universe...Eloise Hawkings and her conversation with Desmond about the Universe correcting things.
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