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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. I had the same reaction. I was really dreading reading this thread given his recent health issues.
  2. At least I didn't call them the Vi-queens
  3. I don't know...throwing for the end zone with a 24 point lead late in the fourth quarter is akin to stealing second base with a seven run lead. It ain't against the rules, but it does display a level of disrespect. But, as a professional they do get paid to stop the other team. But don't expect it to be all hugs and kisses. All that being said and done...I see the Vikings Pass rush eating Brees alive.
  4. By the way...is a candy coated fuck a hard shell fuck a al a M&M or soft chocolate covered fuck like a Reese's Peanutbutter Cup?
  5. Let the blasphemy be amended as follows: Memphis Soul kicks the shit outta Motown. Let it be further said that Al Green is a better soul artist than Smokey Robinson and Marvin Gaye.
  6. Al Green was Stax. (I was wrong)( I was agreeing with you in a most vociferous manner about the superiority of STAX/Volt) See my amendmant below.
  7. Your concluding sentences seem to contradict the angry tone in the first part of your post. My new motto: Don't take anything said to you on the interwebs personally. These people don't know me.
  8. I'm wondering if FYI might be somebody we might know... (Not from the Tweedy/Miller family...he has posted on her screen name before)
  9. Townsend is the writer...his lyrics are often extended whining sessions. That being said...I think that the band was done after Quadrophenia.
  10. This picture keeps stopping me down...is it a picture of somebody I know, is it a non-sequitir,or an inside joke?
  11. Maybe. Maybe not It's the only reaction I've got. I own it.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPin5LRBfZo
  13. Not at all. However, I am confused as to why Childress wanted to run up the score. These teams didn't have a history of bad blood although they do now. I can't imagine that Childress could have had any ill feelings toward Wade Phillips, although I am sure it won't be the case for Phillips now. I am just befuddled. The Vikings always impressed me as being a classy orginazation, and now, for what it's worth, I have a directly opposite opinion. Generally,I have a very deep disappointment at the lack of respect shown for pro atheletes for their peers. It was evident today and is especially ev
  14. There is a certain smarmy smugness that some of you guys exude. We pound new posters mercilessly around here.
  15. You can reasonably expect to hear Heavy Metal Drummer and I am Trying to break your heart...if you are REALLY lucky Via Chicago will make an apparance. I must say my favorite live songs are Handshake Drugs, Bull Black Nova and Side with Seeds.
  16. Deadwood Lost My Name is Earl(first Seasononly) Sopranos Babylon 5 Family Guy Dr. Who Modern Family Big Bang Theory Crap...I forgot Iron Chef Double Crap...I forgot Monty Python
  17. If RTT crap is brought into the real world...is it still crap? Would Tim Robbins think it is crap?
  18. Wow... I was...like...ready to really piss on this thread with all the righeous indignation I could muster and you have to go ahd do that. I think we are all in agreeance that Fred Durst should go.
  19. "First the made me king, then they made me pope...and then they brought the rope"
  20. Remphish is correct...Poon is wrong. End of story.
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