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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. Nothing...but Lady Bird set the bar on being unobjectionable (?).'' Plus...she is the wildflower lady
  2. Nothing...but Lady Bird set the bar on being unobjectionable (?).
  3. That's nice. She's 15 years older and 8 inches shorter. She's been the least controversial and least objectionable first lady since Lady Bird Johnson...and thenicest thingyou can say is she looks like a frumpy turd. Nice.
  4. Can't remember if I have already posted my Dylan favorites (but it is a moving target anyway...) So here goes (in chronological order): Bringing it all back home Highway 61 revisited Blonde on Blonde John Wesley Harding Blood on the Tracks Desire Infidels Oh Mercy Time Out of Mind Love and Theft Modern Times
  5. And to think..21 years later there would be the rematch...
  6. Agreed...closely followed by the lyrics section on brucespringsteen.net
  7. I REALLY don't have a dog in this hunt (as a matter of fact, my alma mater has distinct distaste for the drunken, ignorant TT fan), but I gotta say...don't count out the crazy man and his bunch of pirates. Just remember last year: OU 7 3 3 14 27 TT 13 14 7 0 34 True...last yeat they played in that hell hole called Lubbock, but Tech has the world to play for this year.
  8. There are days when I could TOTALLY get behind that.
  9. The Black Dog won in Foster's case. She is a brutal bitch at times.
  10. Wow. It took all of...what...15 minutes before the press started the devouring.
  11. 1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others. 2. a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination. 3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.
  12. (How can I say this without being a really condescending dick...?) Interesting but not at all surprising. The big surprise is that ONLY 70% of blacks voted for prop 8.
  13. Holograms... Absolutely breathtaking example of technology. A new world dawns for media. And it is used to interview a washed up rapper? Are you fucking kidding me?
  14. It's definitely a landmark moment. However, Obama never ran as an African-American. He ran as an American. Obama rose above the rhetoric of jubilee and, by doing so, emerged as a transcendant figure.
  15. Wow... What a prolific period for Bruce. Nice song with sweet melody and nice harmonies. Bruce has certainly had an interesting career arc I am assuming this will be an E-Street Band effort. I sure was hoping for a 30th anniversary remixed version of DARKNESS ON THE EDGE OF TOWN with an accompanying dvd of a live show (Cleveland Agora, LA Roxy, Phoenix...)
  16. One thing that both parties should take from this election: A plumber is NOT smarter than a former Harvard law graduate. Don't float that weak shit anymore,
  17. I find it interesting the Obama distinctly avoided appealing to a racial factor in this campaign. Now, it is almost all the media can talk about.
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