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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. I agree...damn...so much talent on this board...
  2. Dude...stop apologizing for being talented. You rock.
  3. I am not as angry anymore...should I change my avatar?
  4. Federal investigators...House Subcommittees... I'm sorry, but whether atheletes engaged in an age old practice of cheating or not is simply not important enough to warrant the time and money being spent by the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT to investigate.
  5. Nice... We can't find Osama Bin Laden or Jimmy Hoffa's body, but we fucking know Barry Bonds took roids. Nice...
  6. I'd kinda like my own personal theme song to play every time I entered a room... Every decent character has memorable theme music (e.g. Darth Vader, Mr. Spock).
  7. In honor of Valentine's Day, Songs in the key of Romeo and Juliet a lovestruck romeo sings a streetsuss serenade laying everybody low with a lovesong that he made finds a convenient streetlight steps out of the shade says something like 'you and me babe how about it?' juliet says 'hey it's romeo you nearly gimme a heart attack' he's underneath the window she's singing 'hey la my boyfriend's back' 'you shoudn't come around here singing up at people like that anyway what you gonna do about it?' juliet the dice were loaded from the start and i bet and you exploded in my heart and i forget
  8. Such a very cool song...still have it in the iPod. And used to hawk Caddys now...
  9. Every single performance was spot on. Rockpile, The Pretenders, Ian Drury, Queen...that brings back memories
  10. Ever since Mark David Chapman got John Lennon to sign that album, the rules are different.
  11. There is a scary element out there that doesn't understand the boundries between artist and audience. Over on RMAS (an usenet board for Springsteen) there is an individual who put together a video of all the important places in Northern New Jersey that are Springsteencentric (i.e., the gate to his compound, the school where his kids go to school, the house where he grew up, etc.). This individual couldn't believe that anybody would take offense at such an intrusion. Fame is as insidious a drug as there is. Artists do crave it, but have to give up a large degree of the normalcy of real li
  12. You wanna talk RSGF's? Let's Go OLD SCHOOL:
  13. I have heard Carter described in terms relating to his incompetence but never as some sort of subversion of Christianity.
  14. I have NEVER heard the born again Baptist Jimmy Carter describes as the 'antichrist'. Is there some citation you can provide?
  15. LOL The South neither claims sole providence for nor invention of Humidity and mosquitoes.
  16. dude.. I have lived here all my freaking life. I don't 'blame' anything on the south. You would have to be incredibly insulated not to feel the inherent longing and general self esteem issues of the south. We are ridiculed in popular culture and media and there is an outsider mentality that pervades our very being. Ain't about my pistol Ain't about my boots Ain't about no northern drives Ain't about my southern roots Ain't about my guitars, ain't about my big old amps "It ain't rained in weeks, but the weather sure feels damp" Ain't about excuses or alibis Ain't about no cotton fi
  17. There may be more than a few of these jokers, but they are mainly adherents of non-denominational, charismatic churches and no more represent Christianity than Anton Levay represents modern secular humanism. These oddjobs scare me and I am a member of the United Methodist Church. Don't paint us all with the brush of ignorance, fear and bigotry. I have no historic footnotes here, but I always felt that this odd religious fundamentalism arose out of the devastation of the Civil War. The South had visited on it an armageddon that the rest of the country can't fully appreciate. Uncertainty, sh
  18. Hell...talk about a terrible return on investment. Arlington was apparently ground zero for juicing and we haven' won SHIT. Ever.
  19. From those of us West of the Hudson River (i.e. the Rest of the United States)
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