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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. Doubt that will happen. I think the Jints will end their season next week. It looks to be a fairy tale season for Favre. Of course, the bum Tom Brady will be going to ANOTHER Super Bowl.
  2. The Wild, The Innocent, The E Street Shuffle; Born to Run; Darkness on the Edge of Town; )and if you want to go for 10 years) The River' Nebraska
  3. Joe Jackson before he started selling tacos...
  4. By the time you were born there were four other siblings with your Mama awaiting your Daddy in jail Your oldest brother was away at a home and You didn
  5. I prefer Black Moses to Black Jesus
  6. ...this is gonna be good... (Love it when internet salons get condescending to younger posters...)
  7. "Where would we be without wishful thinking?" Inexperinece in the most important job/position in the world being good? Are you SERIOUS? Obama had a thin resume when he got elected to the Senate and now he wants to parlay his rock star status with the intelligentsia into running what is left of the most powerful country in the world? Yeah... What we need after 8 years of the great decider is a firm hand at the till, not someone that has to learn where the till is. I'm not sure if there is a candidate who will be a successful president. Last days of the Modern Roman Empire? You tell
  8. Back to work and keeping warm with the followind discs Band of Horses --- Cease to Begin Band of Horses --- Everything All the Time My Morning Jacket --- OKONOKOS Ray Lamontagne --- Trouble Pink Floyd --- Animals Pink Floyd --- Wish you were here Wilco --- Kicking Television Wilco --- Sky Blue Sky Wilco --- Summerteeth Bruce Springsteen --- Magic Loose Fur --- Born Again in the USA
  9. Roommates are dicey at best. I have had TWO (not counting Downtown to whom I am married). One was a highschool friend. He was a groomsman at my wedding. I was not invited to his. (Does that say something about me as a roommate?)
  10. Only time I have ever not attended a show that I purchased tickets for happened when I was in college. I bought a ticket to go see Bo Diddley at a bar in College Station. I was drunk at the time I bought the ticket and lost it.
  11. Drums: "In my time fo dying" by Led Zepplin/"Radar Love" by Golden Earring Bass: "Into the Fire" by Nilsson/"Handshake Drugs" by Wilco Guitar: "The Blue Mask" by Lou Reed/"Girlfriend" by Matthew Sweet (Guitars by the incomparable Robert Quine) Keys: "Incident on 57th Street" by Bruce Springsteen Vocals: "Try a Little Tenderness" by Otis Redding /"Bluest Eyes: by Storyville Pedal Steel: "Christine's Song (Devil In Disguise)" by The Flying Burrito Brothers/"Teach your Children" by CSNY
  12. I've decided that I don't like Saturday NFL night games. Just feels...wrong.
  13. Are you now going to be the annoying board thread repitition cop?
  14. When D-man was three ( a LONG time ago), Downtown and All the young girls love... took him to see Old St. Nick at the local mall. D-man, who has always been dramatic, pitched a pure d fit and kick Santa in the nads. Needless to say, we did not get a Xmas picture for 1997. (Magic K, who was 7 that year, still tells this story as SHE got her picture taken that year). The next year, ole Crow had a plan. I took Magic and D-man to a different mall and started prepping him a couple days in advance. "Santa is a really nice man. He was pretty sad that you got so upset last year...I bet he remember
  15. ■ J-Train staying: Javorskie Lane, a junior, said he will stay at A&M for his senior season. Lane said he thought about going into the NFL draft, "but my degree is more important to me right now."
  16. Downtown, all the young girls love..., and Toby dragged me to see this racist, homophobic, misoginistic piece of shit. I was NOT amused.
  17. The Bourne Ulitmatum Michael Clayton No Country for Old Men Knocked Up Star Dust (I have to work around what I can talk the wife into going to see...she walked out of NCfOM) In an unrelated note...the NEW LINE CINEMA must be crapping in their pants at the poor box office numbers for THE GOLDEN COMPASS. Even the supposed bad press about the anti-religious theme hasn't generated any interest in this movie. Down-Town, Toodles, All the young girls love...and I saw it last night. What a mess that movie was. Don't think we'll see parts II an III of this mess of a series.
  18. Audio only Jeff Beck and Clapton...Because we've ended as lovers
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